Cana a Cisgender Person get SRS or not Just curious?

2016-06-30 11:42 pm

if not can they use HRT ?

回答 (6)

2016-07-01 12:02 am
Number one - why would they want it? Number two - no you are examined psychologically over time by psychiatrists. A cis-gendered person would quickly be disqualified from SRS. Let me say as a cis gendered gay male - I don't know why any cis genddered person would even think of it -- our penises, whether we are gay or straight - ... what could be better?

2016-07-01 12:05 am
"Can a cisgender person get SRS or not, just curious?"


Sex reassignment surgery (SRS) is but the last physical step of transition (aka "sex change"). Transition is a long, expensive, medically monitored process that takes YEARS to accomplish. Before on can even start the transition process they must be evaluated and diagnosed as being born transsexual. Without that you can't even start hormone replacement therapy (HRT), never mind SRS. In addition, even when a person is ready for SRS they need two additional letters of referral before they can obtain SRS.

The internationally recognized Standards of Care are the guideline all therapists, doctors, surgeons and patients follow:

I guess you could find some back alley surgeon to do the surgery, but do really want to go there? Finally, any cisgender person who managed to do this would be at a very high risk of suicide when they've realized their mistake. They would essentially partially turned themselves into a transsexual person and they probably wouldn't be able to handle it well.

Transition is appropriate medical treatment for transsexual people and only transsexual people.
參考: me-woman who was born transsexual (post-op)
2016-07-01 3:10 am
Not unless they are truly committed to it and do a whole lot of lying. It has happened.
2016-07-01 12:56 am
I know of no reputable SRS Surgeon who will be willing to accept such a patient. I also know of no cis person anywhere who would be willing to undergo such surgery.
參考: Pay no attention to the Patrisha troll. She thinks her lies are actually true. That's because all you do is repeat the same old discredited lies time after time, troll. You bring nothing original with your endless lying, so why should I spend any effort being original? All your lies have been refuted and debunked decades ago. There's no need for me to do it yet again. The "attention" I pay you is merely to point out when you're lying, for the benefit of other readers.
2016-07-01 12:00 am
Sorry, I'm not familiar with SRS.
2016-07-01 12:58 am
Nearly anybody can get sex reassignment surgery. All a normal person, aka, a "cisgender" person has to do is tell a psychiatrist that he or she has been experiencing gender dysphoria for years. You can even have your family lie to the doctor to make your story and "condition" seem even more believable. Because no scientific way exists to distinguish if a person is lying about gender dysphoria, the psychiatrist would, more likely than not, grant him or her the surgery anyway because, ultimately, that's exactly what the patient wants anyway and the patient is willing to pay for it. It's hard to turn down paying customers. Of course, the average "cisgender" person wouldn't do this, but it's still possible.

"Pay no attention to the Patrisha troll. She thinks her lies are actually true."

Yet, you constantly pay me so much attention by commenting on all my answers. Not anymore. I don't see the point in allowing it anymore. You never give any good arguments that prove me wrong and you never explain how I'm lying. I've been waiting for you to do this for a long time, but you never did and likely never will. For this reason, I don't see any reason of allowing you to interact with me anymore.

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