What happens if you touch the earth magma??

2016-06-30 7:46 pm

回答 (6)

2016-06-30 8:26 pm
Your finger would vaporize from the heat.
And the rest of you would boil in its own water.

You do know that magma is molten rock, right? Temperature of about 1300 degrees Fahrenheit (water boils at 212).
2016-06-30 8:33 pm
You get burned. duh
2016-06-30 7:51 pm
You'd be a bit hot on the bit of you you touched it with.
2016-06-30 7:47 pm
your finger is gonna turn into ashes and then you will die
2016-06-30 7:54 pm
You only do it once.
2016-06-30 9:59 pm
At the very least, third degree burns to your hand, if the intense heat from the magma doesn't kill you by burning your lungs first.

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