Why do we have two eyes?

2016-06-30 3:06 pm
Sure, people say it's for 3D vision, but if I close one eye, I can still see 3D and when people get Lasik or something causing them to lose sight in an eye they still see 3D. Are people that say that saying that if we had 3 eyes, we would have 4D vision? I don't get if.

回答 (7)

2016-06-30 3:13 pm
In simple terms, because your two eyes see a slightly different image and your brain is able to combine these twos images to construct an accurate three-dimensional image of your surroundings.

If you only have one eye, you can't judge how far away an object is; unless you happen to know the size of the object. For example if you placed, a (realistic) toy car and a real car the same distance away from a person.

The person with two eyes would know they were the same distance away and that one of them was much smaller.

The person with one eye wouldn't be able to tell whether the two cars were different sizes and the same distance away, or the same size and different distances.

There are several excellent diagrams that explain the principle here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binocular_vision

Your notion that having three eyes, would enable you to see in 4D is ridiculous. We already perceive at least four dimensions using our eyes, having a third eye would potentially increase your field of vision or increase your ability to perceive depth; depending on its location.
2016-06-30 3:09 pm
I lost my eye in an accident. I cannot see in three d. If you can then you are some sort of super being. Next time you go to a three d movie wear a patch over one eye and you'll see what I mean
2016-06-30 3:27 pm
Put an object like a cup on the table at arms length from you , then close one eye and reach for the cup handle...it won't be where you think it is because you lack true 3D vision with only one eye. With both eyes the images from each eye over lap each other giving two slightly different angle views of an object which allows us to judge depth more precisely.

You can still see some depth with one eye but it isn't actual 3D anymore. You can't see 3D effects in a movie with only one eye .
2016-06-30 3:10 pm
You don't have full depth perception with one eye. Your brain can guess the distance of objects based on what is in front of them or behind them, but this isn't depth perception.
2016-06-30 3:07 pm
For depth perception. It's not accurate with only one eye.
2016-06-30 3:08 pm
For a wider visual angle, for example.
2016-06-30 3:08 pm
Its actually very complicated. first of all its because we were born that way.

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