What happend to the Italian mafia in America? Did they disappear?

2016-06-29 7:16 pm

回答 (6)

2016-07-02 1:30 am
Whites are the ugliest race of bird crap skinned, sunburnt, retarded inbred meth head vampire spoiled milk ice chimps
2016-06-29 8:19 pm
nope, they still here. But now got into competition wither ones, like Russian or Chinese.
2016-06-29 7:49 pm
like the gangsters a new breed of Criminal took over the politician
2016-06-29 7:29 pm
They got elected
2016-06-29 7:18 pm
2016-06-29 7:17 pm
No they just aren't seen or heard if they have to cause a fatality they will hire someone and try to stay out of illegitimate business

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