Europe is collapsing politically and economically. does the USA bear any fault?

2016-06-29 3:19 pm

I dont know but it appears europe economic and political decline and instability has worsened. The USA and rapid rise of China and Asia has now made it nearly impossible for Europe to compete. Nobody wants to send jobs and investment to europe because costs, taxes, and demands are simply too high. But unless the USA, China, and Asia go way back down, there is little hope for Europe. The entire continent may simply fail

回答 (21)

2016-06-29 3:21 pm
No they're not.
2016-06-29 4:50 pm
Sorry, but we are not the cause of all the world's ills.
I know you would like to think so, and Europe has blamed us for everything wrong for the last 100 years or so, but in reality Europe is the cause of its own problems.
2016-06-29 3:24 pm
The economies in many countries in Europe is growing. Which country are you referring?

And no, the United States is not responsible for every government in every country.
2016-06-29 3:25 pm
Of course.
It's always America's fault
-useful idiot liberals
2016-06-29 3:24 pm
European countries are returning to national sovereignty which is a positive to the world. Soon, they will confront the Islamic enemy within their borders, which will be an even greater positive.
2016-06-30 12:20 am
Nope. How could the US be at fault? Economic policy and Political policy are not things the US had any significant influence on.
2016-06-29 11:26 pm
europe is not collapsing yet.
2016-06-29 6:37 pm
well your big companies have a moral duty to pay the same tax our companies pay at the same rates they make trillions but on technicalities pay little we left Europe because we are short of cash hello dear AMERICAN FRIENDS want to screw us some more we helped you destroy Iraq and all the fallout is destroying Europe dear AMERICAN FRIENDS we have to go to the back of the queue now maybe you can speak later when you are not busy dear AMERICAN FRIENDS we may be too far back if Russia or China come calling on you one day, dear American friends
2016-06-29 5:26 pm
No not this time, the USA is not responsible for Europe except the USA did start (2007-2009) the current world recession still ongoing 2016 and it seems like forever, but the US is affected by that as much as anyone.
The USA is not 'growing' in recession recovery (where did you get that idea)unless you call average 1.5% economic growth 'growing'. It's Congress has forced austerity cuts hurting the country and the military. Real unemployment is still very high, wages are down or flat, US debt out of all control and worse every year. Investment doesn't come to the US or Latin America, American investment like everyone elses goes to China and the rest of Asia not to the US. US jobs go to Mexico for slave wages and the profits of US corporations to offshore accounts in Asia and Arabia/ Gulf.
2016-06-29 4:07 pm
The problem is they were probably not compatible in the first place. Since the beginning the Germans and the Brits ended up paying for everything, French Agircultural policy, Greek and Italian extravagance, you name it, the German taxpayer bore the expense. That was one of the reason the French went into the Common Market in the 1980's in the first place is because they could get the Germans to pay the French Agricultural subsidies. The Greeks and the Italians were always the financial basket cases in the EU. When the Muslim immigrants and refugees came to Europe by the millions it just added to the burden.

Tony Judt "Postwar - Europe Since 1945"
2016-06-29 3:49 pm
First, it doesn't appear Europe is collapsing -- even thoug you conservatives want people to believe your hate-based anti-immigrant "Brexit" is doing that. It -- and you -- just aren't that important.
2016-06-29 3:35 pm

Yes. It's all our fault. In particular, it's all my fault. I am a white, middle aged, overweight, American male. Everything that has ever gone wrong in the world is my fault.

Fortunately. my shoulders are broad. I can carry this burden, too.
2016-06-29 3:28 pm
According to Conservatives, every nation in the world has been on the decline ever since they were founded. Except America. According to them, America is a roller coaster of inclining and declining.
2016-06-29 3:27 pm
The opinion of many experts is that European countries united with each other and the US (in NATO) because of the general threat of the Soviet Union. With that threat diminished, nationalism has risen and encouraged the break up of the EU. But Russia IS a threat again, as is China, and it could be very detrimental to our security to fracture now.
2016-06-29 3:25 pm
Bada got it right. It's always the fault of the U.S. .
2016-06-29 3:24 pm
Only in that 'butterfly effect' way.
2016-06-29 3:47 pm
2016-06-29 3:24 pm
well, SOME EUROPEAN COUNTRIES ARE doing better than others. but overall, europe is indeed going into deep decline. The usa polices and international actions havent benefited europe. asia and latin america has gotten all the gains. but AFRICAN economies are struggling now, overpopulation, currency plunging, and rising debt. its really not looking good for europe. hunger is rising too
2016-06-29 3:23 pm
LOL, you wish.
2016-06-29 10:23 pm
Yes. Obama will be going there next week to apologize
2016-06-29 3:20 pm
yes, europe is going down because the usa, china, and latin america have grown too much. europe is going into deep economic and social decline because of this. the only hope for Europe to recover is unless the usa and china economy breakdown

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