Retirement question?

2016-06-29 3:59 am

I had an extensive break in service prior to returning to the military. As such, my actual TIS is over 4 years, but my LES is paying me as an 8 year soldier (personnel at finance verified the accuracy of this; apparently IRR time counts towards it.) So in order to qualify for a 20 year pension (since my DIEMS grandfathers me into the old retirement plan), do I need to fulfill an additional 16 years of service, or do I only need to serve 12 more years and hit that 20 year mark on my LES?

回答 (2)

2016-06-29 4:05 am
You need to do 20 years of active service, so 16 more years.
Somewhere in your records, there should be a TAFMSD (total active federal military service date), which for you would be some date about 4 years ago. You need 20 years from whatever that date is.
2016-06-29 7:09 am
I got out after 4 years of service in 1986, got back in 1988 after 2 years and 6 days out. My counter moved, but I had to do another 16 years active to retire. Fortunately, the bonuses are all based on the pay counter, so those two years counted for pay even then.

Forget your LES when it comes to counting active duty.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:13:35
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