Rolling Stones or Beatles?

2016-06-28 8:53 pm

Rolling Stones or Beatles? I like both :-)

回答 (10)

2016-06-28 8:54 pm
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I was a teen in the 60's, and loved them both! saw them both play live too, happy memories.
2016-06-28 9:03 pm
Both belong on any Top Five list of all-time greatest music acts.

I like the Rolling Stones a little bit better, but that's just a personal preference.
2016-06-28 8:53 pm
Stones easily
2016-06-28 8:53 pm
Stones for sure!
2016-06-28 9:26 pm
The Beatles.
2016-06-28 9:12 pm
Beatles .
2016-06-28 9:11 pm
Red or white wine?
2016-06-28 9:04 pm
2016-06-28 9:02 pm
2016-06-28 8:56 pm
Wow! you were all quick with an answer :-)

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