Should I shave hairs on my neck?

2016-06-28 8:13 pm
ey there, Im 16 years old I donot have a hard beard but Its quite light and Ok, Im using a trimmer for two years, I have a light stubble but I am tired of hairs on my neck, even after trimming they are visible. Should I shave them with a razor. I am not doing this because it will make me shave them everyday! And I am not too less and not too much hairy person

回答 (1)

2016-06-28 8:35 pm
I use an electric razor so i don't have hair on my neck that i can see after i shave but it's always going to grow back. Just use an electric razor. You will have a hard time cutting yourself and they're easy to use, no shaving gel or shaving cream needed

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