Fitness Question : how to get my bf into cardio and kick boxing and weight training so he can be more sexier?

2016-06-28 7:14 pm
sadly he's out of shape i want him to be between 139 and 140 not gonna say how much how he weighs but i want him to look good for date and eat less crap whatever he eats daily, if we ever have a chance to i am already losing weight by running and walking drinking enough water and lemon water combined any suggestions not eating a lot of meat is what i haven't been eating overweight genes run in his family

回答 (3)

2016-06-28 7:25 pm
Good Luck. My husband used to be a tae-kwon-do instructor, black belt, instructor to children of all age groups, now he is lazy, and a couch potato, always on his lap top, etc.etc. totally out of shape, has sleep apnea to boot....too tired to go back to class...
if he doesn't want to do it, you aren't going to be able to make him....
He is who he is, and if he is going to harm himself it will be all on his term.
You can't force him to be healthy.
2016-06-28 9:02 pm
Try conditioning him with rewards for good behavior and copious praise. You have to provide non food rewards, however. If he gets up to take a walk, that's a positive step toward the goal. Praise him.
2016-06-28 7:15 pm
being overweight is NOT in genetics at all.

you cook dinner for him, don't you? make him something healthy. it wont kill him

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