How do you cope if you are alone?

2016-06-27 1:17 am

回答 (11)

2016-06-27 1:42 am
Internet, music, TV, smartphone and depression
2016-06-27 1:24 am
Nothing to cope with, I enjoy my privacy.
2016-06-27 1:20 am
with magic mushrooms
2016-06-27 1:18 am
real well
2016-06-27 1:19 am
2016-06-27 2:04 am
easy I like solitude
2016-06-27 1:54 am

that's the best --

building my world view w/o distractions
2016-06-27 1:51 am
You always have a friend around. When you start feeling this way, give them a call, or go out and sight see, window shop, treat yourself to a lunch out, take a magazine, make your house look beautiful and clean. give yourself a make over..don't think about it!
2016-06-27 1:40 am
Read books, do things i like, cook, eat, watch tv, learn something new, Yoga workout, talk to people on the phone, go out somewhere alone hiking. Dress up nicely and go sightseeing somewhere close i've never been to.
2016-06-27 1:31 am
Allah is with me
2016-06-27 1:18 am
Pot and Music

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