Single fingernail turning white?? Help!?

2016-06-27 12:22 am
Hi so I have one fingernail that is turning white and the entire nail is becoming play a lot of basketball so maybe I may have hit it while playing and not notice. I didn't think of it as a big issue at first because
1) it is only on one fingernail
2)there is no pain or irritation
What could it be?
Is it normal?
Should I let the nail fall off on its own or just force it off and does it grow another nail?
More details: fingernail began turning white at the base not the tip
zero pain
No fluids leaking or blood.
Please help me tell what it is, how to treat it, and if it's normal.

回答 (1)

2016-06-27 12:32 am
It's probably from an injury you didn't notice.

Don't force it off. Whatever you have is protecting the nail bed, while new nail grows. It would be good to keep that nail trimmed short, so it doesn't catch on anything.

Apart from trimming, just let the tissues heal, and let new nail grow out. This probably isn't a big deal.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:08:38
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