How to ask her out?

2016-06-27 12:21 am
I like this girl and we're friends, but not really close.. We were talking about this restaraunttn we've never tried and she said she wanted to go. How can I ask her to go so it's a date? Not just going as friends? Or would it be a good idea to go as friends, then ask "would u consider this a date?" Then build from there.

回答 (3)

2016-06-27 12:37 am
Lol call it what u may and obviously if it goes anywhere then u can lable it
2016-06-27 12:26 am
Go up to her and start getting to know her.Find out all about her.Take an
interest in her to start with.Find out what her interests are,what her favourite things are including movies,food,hobbies,pets and so on.It also gives her a reason to spend time with you.Take to her to that place and make it a special so she will remember you for it.
2016-06-27 12:25 am
Just say we should go and then be like as a date...? kind of as a question so you would know her expectations before you guys go out

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