What are your feelings on different types of gun control?

2016-06-26 10:26 pm
Examples include: assult weapons ban, better background checks, gun free zones, and who can and can't own a gun.

回答 (6)

2016-06-26 10:30 pm
All weapons legalized. Assault rifles, machine guns, armored personnel carriers, Apache helicopters, nuclear attack subs, you name it.
2016-06-26 10:31 pm
Assault weapons are banned. Assault rifles are military grade. AR-15s are not military grade.

Of course, I support more thorough background checks.

Gun free zones are a joke. Might as well just paint target symbols on long the street.

If you are a convicted felon or suspected of terrorist ties or sympathies, no guns for you.
2016-06-26 10:46 pm
Post 1986 made machine guns and pistols are already banned from civilian sale. Pre 1986 made ones restrict themselves. Due to increasing rarity and over $5K each cost. Mislabeling semi automatics as 'assault' weapons doesn't change the fact that they are still just one trigger squeeze--one shot weapons. Put a wood set of stocks on an AR15? It's no longer so scary looking. Ban the AR15 and you'll be presented a list of thousands of semi autos (makes/types) liberals also want banned. Already happened. AR15 stands for Armalite Model 15. Not Assault Rifle 15. Nor Automatic Rifle 15. But, liberals would frighten Americans into thinking so. Notice they always say 'automatic' weapons now??

Background check failure allowed Aurora to happen. No amount of background check would have stopped Sandy Hook. Nor the one murder by an illegal in San Fransisco. The Pulse Islamic killer passed background and held a carry permit for security guard. He would have passed even an enhanced check. Because the FBI profiled the citizen reports as Islamophobic bigotry.

Gun Free Zone. Deer Hunt package that includes an assured kill in a baited and fenced defined area. The deer are of course unarmed. Good Hunting!

Who can't own a gun IMHO? A prisoner. A paroled felon. A former felon who has served his time should not have a gun outside his home. Everyone else? Innocent until proven guilty.
2016-06-26 11:07 pm
It's too broad really to answer in this format.
There is no such thing as an assault weapon. An anti-gunner made it up to scare people. What you're asking about is "scary-looking firearms," and what's scary-looking to one person isn't to another. In the 1994 law, for instance, the difference between a legal and an illegal rifle might be the presence of a bayonet lug, as if we have a big problem with people being bayonetted.
Background checks could well be expanded, if anybody could figure out a way for a neighbor to sell a shotgun to the guy next door and do a check from his PC, for free. Otherwise, you're talking about too much intrusiveness. Imagine having to drive a hundred miles (which is the closest gun shop in some rural areas), show a photo ID, and pay a poll tax (long ago banned) in order to vote. I don't care if you don't like guns. It's an enumerated civil right and needs to be treated as such.
As for the "no fly-no buy" proposals, they're out-and-out unconstitutional, flying in the face of the fifth, sixth, and fourteenth amendments. If somebody's so dangerous you can't let him have a gun, he's also too dangerous to let him stay loose where he can build a bomb. Lock him up, charge him, try him.
It seems the Bill of Rights is seen as a bunch of "loopholes" these days. I fear where this is going a heck of a lot more than when I've had to face down an armed man.
2016-06-26 10:30 pm
I think banning one forearm or another will nto stop the problem of mass shooters as there are many types of weapons which can be used, as well as many different types of methods besides using a gun look at china terrorists used swords on the subway or the 9-11 hijackers used box cutters as well as others have used sarian gas ..........the responsibility of owning a gun is taken too lightly, the negligence of guns in the hands of those who should not have had access at all falls on the gun owner and not locking them up. however there are no criminal laws for this violation ..... negligent homicide is a civil crime and only punishable by lawsuit for damages. unless of coarse the gun owner does't know this and pleads guilty to a lesser crime to avoid prosecution on a made up one.
2016-06-26 10:30 pm
I like Hawaii and California gun laws.

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