I don't want to invite this one friend?

2016-06-25 8:03 pm
So I'm going to have a little get together with some of my friends, but I don't want to invite someone. Me and this girl have been friends for many years, but lately she's just been so rude to me and she thinks it's funny. I really don't want to invite her. But how?? She's one of those people that is constantly showing off and has to make EVERYTHING about her. And she always makes rude comments and insults towards me, but she thinks she's being funny. She's not. I think that in a way she's kind of jealous of me. If that makes sense haha. Anyways please help.

回答 (2)

2016-06-25 8:58 pm
Make the invitations formal, low key, private and include that extra guests are not possible. So that one of your friends won't bring her anyway.
2016-06-25 8:06 pm
alright this is what u duo i had a friend just like that you just ignore her and just don't invite her she kinda deserves not being invited, i mean shes being horrible to you

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