如有親人已過身, 但未有死亡證, 所以未到銀行辦守續, 但係又知道親人的提款咭密碼, 如果係呢個階段係提款機提款, 會否不合法.?

2016-06-25 3:31 pm

回答 (2)

2016-12-09 9:38 pm
若存款仓過世, 提款必需照繼承方式, 所有繼承權人必需同意蓋章 否則非法
2016-07-06 2:52 am
Sorry for your loss.

The answer is not necessary, as it is not illegal per se.

It really depends exactly your purpose. For example, if you need the money for the deceased's any expenses, as soon as you have proper documentation, you should have no issue.

The key is the money should be only withdrawn for the deceased, not you and others.

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