I were 和 I was 差別及用法,謝謝?

2016-06-25 3:25 pm

回答 (2)

2016-06-25 5:01 pm
Improbable condition has got the (If clause) + (Main clause);
eg:-If I were king, I should fly.
=Were I king, I should fly.

"Were" is the plural second person singular of the past tense of "Be". "Were" is used instead of "was" in certain structures in conditional clauses after the verb "wish":-eg:-He believes in Communism as though it were a new religion."as it were" means less definite-eg:-I didn't, as it were,(less definite), understood the posting question.We're what we're, as it were, were wrong.

"were" is used to express a supposition , conditional a situation that could not exist, unreal condition;-
eg:-If I were to tell you =Were I to tell you;
If I were to tell you that it rained, will you play a game of football tomorrow ?
=Were I to tell you that it rained, will you play a game of football tomorrow?
If I were to offer you some school-fees, would you study?
=Were I to offer you some school-fees, would you study?
If I were to do that/ Were I to do that, what would you say ?
Or shows arrangements for the future:-eg:-We were to be married in UK.We were to have gone away but were ill-striken by EU.

In auxiliary verb with" be" in the past;"be" is used with a past participle to form the passive:-eg:-I was hurt/told/knocked out/critized/awared/crowded.etc.
Special use with adverbial particles and preps.--poverty-striken;eg:-I was poverty-striken in the prime of my life.

"Was" is the first and third person singular of the past tense of "Be".
Also in auxiliary verb,"be" is used instead of "was":-eg:-I will be told what to do.;Or is used with a present participle to form progressive tenses:-eg:-I'll be seeing her. I was seeing something by using my eyes yesterday...Or I'm always being questioned/criticized by "environmental people."
2016-06-29 4:19 am

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