回答 (3)
If Anna wishes to learn Eng. pronunciation, then it is not those vulgar-mannered Tutorial Advertisement Schools wanting your money !
To pronounce is to make the sound of a letter, word etc.in the correct way.
How do you pronounce your name?Don't try to pronounce the difficult Eng.names for foreigners; they are very difficult to be pronounced.
In the word "I knew something"---, the "k" is not pronounced . ie(=new, newt=small lizard-like amphibian.)(Tate's art gallery,London, can be pronounced as Taste=sweet taste=Taste International Co.Ltd.)
Also pronunciation is the way in which a language or a particular word is pronounced .A particular person's way of pronouncing words or Eng. Language should be found out the right pronunciation, good pronunciation by your good self (Anna).NB:-pro NUN ciation is different from pronounce--pronounceable , that can be pronounced.
(1)Listen to BBC (TW) station broadcasting by radio or TV for British pronunciation, not the American pronunciation..Pronunciation and spelling are different. British and American pronunciations are different !eg:-center, centre---->Draw a line through the centre of the circle !
(2)Recommend to view the videos, TVB Pearl Station . Listen to their accents and pronunciations. (中文字幕) is very helpful for you in dramas that is pronounciable and easy for you to digest the knowledge,to learn and say.Translation here gives the meaning of something said English in another language Chinese.This interpretation for something spoken from C/E is very helpful here ,there and everywhere all round.
(3) As for yourself, try make the sound in the correct way.Try make phone-calls to foreigners. Record down what you read from textbooks, articles, SCMP Eng Newspapers Listen to your recordings .Repeat until a fluent way of pronunciation is found after many trials and errors ..Make sure you speak fluently.eg:-(a)I am speaking to him.(b)I must speak to the subject. (c)I am good at speaking.(d)I speak my wishes.
The recording is for foreigners to listen to its correct pronunciation by you. Not for yourself. as Mr. TL Young , the Eng. broadcaster today said in HK--RTHK English teaching.program.eg:-(e)I speak out to foreigners. (f)Actions speak louder than words, etc.
"Practice makes perfect "used to say that if you (Anna) do the pronunciation regularly, you will become good at it. To be awarded 10 points only !
收錄日期: 2021-05-02 10:34:00
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