Where are the remaining people ?

2016-06-25 2:39 am
Where are the remaining people ? What will be world population projection ( probably 2^200 ) after adding 2 member to a single family at gap of every 20 or 25 years since 2000 B.C. to 2016 A.D at every continent and every island like Java or Srilanka ? What are possible population projection since 2000 B.C. or our earth is not so old as predicted by West scientists or physics scientists all over the world ?

回答 (4)

2016-06-29 12:13 am
People died young for most of history. The average lifespan of an adult was less than 30 up until a century ago.
So all the remaining people died.

You don't really think that people live forever, do you? Your math suggests you believe that.
2016-07-01 3:26 pm
Two things you fail to consider: death and inbreeding (i.e. marrying relatives such as cousins, or more distant relatives).
2016-06-25 1:25 pm
they died before they could reproduce, sometimes in such large numbers that it caused negative growth for a while. there are these things called famines and epidemics, you see.
2016-06-25 1:01 pm
Look into population studies which suggest that humans have only been around on Earth for some 5-6000 years based on the current amount of people and growth rates based on a well known math formula.



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