Why doesnt the bible have any mention of the Roman and Persian Empires?

2016-06-25 1:39 am

回答 (30)

2016-06-25 1:42 am
It actually does, political leaders.

Including ROMANS
2016-06-25 1:45 am
You need to read it dear, it is full of them.
2016-06-25 1:44 am
Try reading the bible before asking such questions. Point of fact, the bible mentions both empires (see the books of Daniel and Ruth for details of Jews in Babylon (Persia) and pretty much the entire New Testament for references to the Roman ad Roman occupation of Judea).
2016-06-25 1:40 am
You may find it hard to find references if you actually haven't read it.
2016-06-25 2:21 am
maybe because you haven't read it
2016-06-25 1:49 am
Apparently you do not read the Bible. The Persian Empire is covered in the Book of Esther, Isaiah, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Daniel. The Roman Empire is covered in Daniel, the Gospels, and the Pauline letters.
2016-06-25 1:41 am
that actually shows how ignorant of the bible you are. it mentions the roman empire hundreds of times. and the Persians several times. the bible even mentions xerxes the king of persia
2016-06-25 1:59 am
Seriously? This is a book of god right? You'd think it would have something helpful like I dunno, penicillin, maybe a couple lines about bacteria, or anything that could help society.

That book is ridiculous because the only way to convince a person to believe in it literally is to indoctrinate them while they were children. This is why black americans do not worship voodoo gods and goddess today, it's because we enslaved them, put them through our schools and our churches. This is exactly what you would do if you invaded another country.

Religion is tool that creates tools.
2016-06-25 1:41 am
It most assuredly does friend!!!
參考: Gods Word, revelation mystery.com, amazingfacts.org, SABBATHTRUTH. Com, former rcc
2016-06-26 7:08 pm
The Book of Daniel, Zechariah, Joel, Revelation are among those who talk a lot about those empires....
2016-06-25 1:41 am
It does, guess who were the ones the strung up that Jesus fella up on the cross. That's right, the Romans. God, Rome was so great back then, what happened...oh right, they adopted Christianity, which, in tadem with a really unmanageably long border and a failing militaristic policy, killed them off.
2016-07-04 9:25 pm
The Medo-Persian Empire in Prophecy
HISTORICAL developments involving the great powers that dominated large sections of the earth were not all just mere coincidence. There is One who has at times intervened in human affairs, resulting in tremendous changes on the world scene. This One, Jehovah God, by means of his prophets, also foretold long in advance the rise and fall of certain empires.
For us today the unerring fulfillment of Bible prophecies in the past furnishes a solid basis for trusting that prophetic word regarding future events. More importantly, this can serve as a strong encouragement to live in harmony with God’s purpose, confident that he will make the ‘word of his servants come true.’—Isa. 44:26.
The book of Daniel is notable for its many prophecies. Josephus, the ancient Jewish historian of the first century C.E., was moved to write: “All these things, as God revealed them to him, he left behind in his writings, so that those who read them and observe how they have come to pass must wonder at Daniel’s having been so honoured by God.”
One of the remarkable prophecies recorded by Daniel concerns the Medo-Persian Empire. In the eighth chapter of his book, Daniel relates a vision in which the Medo-Persian Empire is represented as a ram (Dan. 8:20) We read: “Look! a ram standing before the watercourse, and it had two horns. And the two horns were tall, but the one was taller than the other, and the taller was the one that came up afterward.”—Dan. 8:3.
What does this mean? As is evident from Daniel 8:21, 22, horns represent kings or kingdoms. The text states: “The hairy he-goat stands for the king of Greece; and as for the great horn that was between its eyes, it stands for the first king. And that one having been broken, so that there were four that finally stood up instead of it, there are four kingdoms from his nation that will stand up, but not with his power.”
Accordingly, in the case of Medo-Persia the fact that the ram’s second horn came up afterward and was taller than the other one would be a foretelling that one kingdom, the Persian, would in time gain the ascendancy over the other one (the Median). Did such a thing happen?
Yes, this is confirmed by the facts of history. Originally the Medes held the dominant position. But, then, Cyrus (II), upon ascending the throne of Anshan, united the Persian forces in an attempt to throw off the Median yoke. In 550 B.C.E. the Medes under the command of Astyages (Ishtumegu) and the Persians under Cyrus met in battle. The army of Astyages revolted against him and brought Astyages in fetters to Cyrus. Thereafter Cyrus seized the capital of Media, Ecbatana. From then on Media played a secondary role in the Medo-Persian Empire.
Though the Medes were now in a subservient position, Media and Persia formed a dual world power and, therefore, could be represented by one ram. As Daniel 8:20 explains: “The ram that you saw possessing the two horns stands for the kings of Media and Persia.” Commenting on the dual nature of the empire, Professor Olmstead’s History of the Persian Empire (page 37) says: “The close relationship between Persians and Medes was never forgotten. Plundered Ecbatana remained a favorite royal residence. Medes were honored equally with Persians; they were employed in high office and were chosen to lead Persian armies. Foreigners spoke regularly of the Medes and Persians [just as the Bible generally refers to them jointly].”
Continuing his description of the ram, Daniel states: “I saw the ram making thrusts to the west and to the north and to the south, and no wild beasts kept standing before it, and there was no one doing any delivering out of its hand. And it did according to its will, and it put on great airs.”—Dan. 8:4.
No power could stand before Medo Persia when it was in its heyday. Pushing northward, King Cyrus captured Babylon in 539 B.C.E. His son Cambyses directed a campaign southward, conquering Egypt. Darius I pushed his conquests westward, gaining control of Thrace and Macedonia.
In time, however, Medo-Persia fell before the world power of Greece. This had been foretold in the prophecy of Daniel as follows: “I, for my part, kept on considering, and, look! there was a male of the goats coming from the sunset upon the surface of the whole earth, and it was not touching the earth. And as regards the he-goat, there was a conspicuous horn between its eyes. And it kept coming all the way to the ram possessing the two horns, which I had seen standing before the watercourse; and it came running toward it in its powerful rage. And I saw it coming into close touch with the ram, and it began showing bitterness toward it, and it proceeded to strike down the ram and to break its two horns, and there proved to be no power in the ram to stand before it. So it threw it to the earth and trampled it down, and the ram proved to have no deliverer out of its hand.”—Dan. 8:5-7.
In fulfillment of these words, the world power represented by the ram fell before Alexander the Great, the one represented by the “conspicuous horn.” It is of note that the goat was recognized as a symbol of the Grecian or Greco-Macedonian World Power. The Imperial Bible-Dictionary (Vol. I, p. 664) tells us: “Monuments are still extant in which this symbol occurs, as one of the pilasters of Persepolis, where a goat is depicted with one immense horn on his forehead, and a Persian holding the horn, by which is intended the subjection of Macedon by Persia.” As Daniel had foretold, however, the former domination of Persia over Macedonia was to come to an end. In fulfillment of the prophecy, the Medo-Persian “ram” fell before the Grecian “goat.”
In view of such fulfillments of prophecy, it is wisdom on our part to examine what the Bible says about events still future. —2 Pet. 1:19-21.
參考: Bible/JW.org
2016-07-03 7:15 pm
Are you serious?
2016-07-03 6:58 pm
The Roman Empire is the one that crucified Jesus. The Persian Empire is the Old Babylonian Empire that was overthrown long before the Roman Empire. Now the Persian Empire is Iran. Persia's name was changed to Iran in 1932.


2016-07-03 10:57 am
I can think of at least two reference, one Jesus' quote, "Give unto Cesar what is Cesar's...", and John's, author of the Book of Revelations, making reference to Emperor Nero as "the beast ('666' equals 'Nero' in Hebrew numerology), and his reference to Rome as "the whore."
2016-06-30 10:12 pm
Lincoln's asking a joke question you guys. Don't bother with it. You'll just encourage him.
2016-06-30 5:27 pm
No mention of the Roman Empire in the Bible? Try reading the New Testament! The Roman Empire basically ruled the world, from 100's of years before Jesus' birth to 100's of years after His death. The land in which Jesus lived was under the control of Rome, and Roman troops were stationed there to ensure that the natives did not attempt to overthrow Roman rule. When Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar...", to whom do you think He was referring but to the Roman Caesar. and the Roman Empire? (A "Caesar" was the Ruler; basically the same thing as "King").
2016-06-29 7:27 pm
The book of Daniel chapter 7:5 describes the Medo-Persian empire as a bear raised one-sided with three ribs in its mouth. Verse 7 describes the Roman Empire a monstrous fourth beast with iron teeth and ten horns. Another small horn sprung up and plucked away the first three horns. This horn also had eyes with a mouth speaking arrogant words.
2016-06-28 3:45 am
But it does in prophecy in the book of Daniel and the Revelation. Daniel chapter 8 tells us of world empires that shall arise one after the other. It is all written in prophetic language represented by animals, but the angel Gabriel was told to.explain it all to Daniel, which he did. Also read Revelation 17:10 to 18.
2016-06-28 12:28 am
this is not even true
2016-06-27 5:46 am
Matthew 2:1, "now in the days of Herod the King, I believe he was a Roman ruler, and how about the Roman centurion and his discourse with Jesus about his deathly sick daughter??? You non believing people need to read a little bit more into scripture and ACTUALLY STUDY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-06-26 11:32 am
The book of Esther is an account of the Persian Empire. It tells of the time when the Jews enemy Haman hatched a plot to have them annihilated. Pur or Lots is now celebrated all over the world by the Jews aka The Festival of Purim or Lots. It corresponds to late February and early March.
The Roman Empire features in the Gospels from the time Mary was heavy with child Luke 2:1 when she and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem. A decree by Caesar Augustus commanded all the inhabitants of the earth to return to their birth place for a census. Jesus told his disciples to give Caesars things to Caesar Mark 12:17. At his death a sign was written in Hebrew, LATIN and Greek "Jesus the Nazarene. The King of the Jews." It was posted over his head. John 19:19, 20 Also the apostle Paul was a Roman citizen Acts 22:25 - 28 He appealed to Caesar Acts 25:11
參考: jw.org Persian and Roman Empires Ahasuerus Caesar
2016-06-26 12:09 am
It does in the books of Esther, Romans. Paul went to Rome where he was kept a prisoner. The Jews were expelled from Rome by the Roman Emperor, Claudius. Cyrus, the King was from Persia. This is mentioned in the books of 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Daniel.
2016-06-25 2:34 pm
2016-06-25 4:21 am
It does...
2016-06-25 2:09 am
In the Book of Daniel the four Empires are Babylonian, Persian, Greece, and Roman.

The northern kingdom of Israel (Samaria) fell to the Assyrians the southern kingdom of Judia fell to the Babylonians which were latter on absorbed into the Perian Empire this can be found in 2 Kings and Esther is about the Queen Esthers role in the end of the Babylonian exile which resulted in the fall of the southern kingdom of Judia when the Persian Empire absorbed the two kingdoms under King Xerxes (Ahasuerus) in which Ezra and Nehemiah come after the Hebrews return to Jersualem. Now what Protestants don't have in their Bibles is the 1 & 2 Maccabees Books which is about the Greeks after Alexander the Great died his Empire of Macedonian was divided the leader of the rebellion was Judas Maccabaeus against the Seleucid Empire. Than came the Roman Empire which was currently in power when Christ was incarnated as one of us.
2016-06-25 1:59 am
Am. It does. Troll question
參考: Anglican Christian
2016-06-25 1:54 am
I am pretty sure it does
2016-06-25 1:49 am
that is not what it is about...
2016-06-25 1:40 am
Terrifying question.

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