Tomato Plant Fruit Problems?

2016-06-24 5:08 pm
Hi, so my tomato plants are growing rapidly but they are not producing a lot of fruit. I'm very confused as to why this is happening, does anyone know what's going on with my plants?

回答 (6)

2016-06-24 5:47 pm
Lots of green growth and few flowers is the result of too much nitrogen in the ground. The nitrogen will need to be depleted before the plant growth slows and it starts to produce flowers for fruit. The onset of fruit is delayed, but when it begins, you will have an abundance of fruit.
2016-07-02 4:44 am
Generally speaking, the problem of your tomato plants didn't produce a lot of fruit but they were growing rapidly and that might be due to the following factors:
(1) Either lack of or low content of Phosphorus fertilizer which will affect the percentage of production;
(2) Either too crowded or shading and high content of Nitrogen fertilizer will promote the vegetational growth;
(3) Lack of proper technique to pinch off any outgrowths will lead to vigorously vegetational growth and that'll affect the percentage of production.
2016-06-30 12:52 am
To high or too low night time temperatures. Go to your garden center and ask for a spray that will set fruit and spray your blossoms with it. A common one is named “Blossom set” but there are others.
2016-06-24 6:44 pm
Not enough details. Hot weather will do this, temperatures over 85F will cause non set of fruit. Too much nitrogen - dumping Miracle Grow - will cause it. Also, I never prune my tomato plants. I let them grow as much foliage as they want. I plant them in a raised bed / trellis. Bottom leaves that yellow are the only exception. I get more fruit than I know what do do with. Send me your address. I;ll send you some nice organic heirloom tomatoes.

However you might try getting some "Rock Phosphate" and sprinkling a small amount around the base of each plant. Be careful. It's powerful stuff even though it is organic.
2016-06-24 5:34 pm
I grew a tomato plant last year and the plant grew tomatoes for about a month and then the flowers stopped growing and tomatoes stopped growing but the plant itself didn't. Then about 2-3 weeks later (maybe even a month later), the flowers just started perking up again and I was getting a bunch of tomatoes. I think the plant goes through specific growing seasons, and the plant stopped making tomatoes because it wasn't the "season" for it. Hope this helps!!!
2016-06-24 5:22 pm
You are probably not pruning them. If you just let them go naturally, they will keep producing more and more branches and little or no fruit. You want the plants energy to go into making tomatoes, not leaves and branches. Check on some vids on the topic.

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