
2016-06-24 10:07 am

請大家幫我看看我翻譯出來的英文有沒有錯,,,,,謝謝。 7. 每次必須至少 2 位成人同行,使用 2 張成人優惠券,每次最少購買 2 張成人優惠券 7. Every time comes at least 2 adults along with the childrens,for use the adult discount coupon, each time minium purchase 2 adults discount coupon.


煩請大家幫幫看7至11我翻譯出來的英文對對....Thank you 內容就在下面這條LINK: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160623033253AAfNQh8





回答 (2)

2016-06-25 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Errors and Corrections beyond your redemption; Warning:- Don't be an agency that makes money by translation with others !?:-
Every time----Each time
comes at least 2 adults along with the childrens, for use the adult discount coupon-----------there must be at least 2 adults.
Redeemable (贖回用) 2 adults discount coupons=(voucher)
each time minium purchase 2 adults discount coupon--------------minimum purchase is 2.
(End of Errors and Corrections.)
2016-06-24 5:38 pm
7. 每次必須至少 2 位成人同行,使用 2 張成人優惠券,每次最少購買 2 張成人優惠券
Party of two or more customers are required to use this coupon. One coupon is needed for each customer and you need to buy two or more coupons at a time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:24:35
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