How does one answer this question: Should The UK stay or go? Vote Yes or No. ????????????????????

2016-06-24 12:51 am

回答 (3)

2016-06-24 1:10 am
Sure it will be easier to stay. Sure it will be safer to stay. But the United Kingdom has no way to improving itself in the EU.

Those that are telling us to stay in the EU are telling us that we can get better benefits in the EU, but that means nothing for us as a whole. They're looking at it like it's a business rather than what's good for us as individual countries. It's not going to push us to new heights.

The way I see it is that if we leave the EU, history shows us that the UK has the potential to have a very large impact on the world. It could make us twice as wealthy and powerful as we are now. However it might not turn out that way. It might turn out to be the downfall of our country. It all depends on the competency of our government. Now if Donald Trump can run for president of the United States, i'm pretty sure our countries leaders can come up with something better than what we have now.
What i'm worried about is how the Prime Minister is telling us to stay in the EU. To me who thinks the way I do, he's essentially telling us that he doesn't feel like he's competent enough to make us better than we are so it's best to stay with the comfy pillows.

Leaving the EU could be the best or the worst decision the UK has ever made. I'm just willing the flip the coin. and say go.
2016-06-24 12:56 am
your answer should be how you feel about the issue and its too late to change your mind now as its all over just the counting left
2016-06-24 12:52 am
This is from Lou Dobbs business chanel. I am a simple minded man and I don't know how to answer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:08:18
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