is the United states government really like this?

2016-06-23 10:51 pm
I'd like to know what will happen if the President stops social security. ok our medicare is in danger of being gutted, our social security is in danger of being given to illegals from Mexico. what are the millions of seniors suppose to do for income. there are already a lot of homeless people that are being neglected living on the streets with no where to go. can the government really stop giing what is legally outs. money that came out of our pockets for our use once we were no longer able to work. would the United States government really be that cruel? what would we do to be independent and still have our dignity and not be a burden on our families? please someone with intelligence give me a intelligent answer. some one that really know what they are talking about. there is nothing else to tell.

回答 (7)

2016-06-23 10:53 pm
Donald Trump will NOT ALLOW THAT to happen. The Democrats, while PRETENDING to fight for social security, lie about others, and will be the main ones trying to steal from the system and bankrupt it.

Donald Trump is a FAIR man, a decent man and an excellent businessman. Hillary Rodham Clinton is an evasive felon who has sidestepped conviction, a liar, a crook, and the most rotten American who has ever lived. For certain, we will all be in great peril if she is propelled into office.
2016-06-23 11:17 pm
The government will print more money to pay for it. But, the democrats will block the bill until it includes furnishing benefits to all minorities regardless of previous qualification. Thus, medicare and social security will become the welfare state. You do know that the current requirements sort of apply to long term working people, which translates to traditional types, probably white. The intent of obama is to ruin these programs and thus create the welfare state. People are going to be especially surprised at the low quality healthcare that they will have. Of course, elites will be able to have private health insurance and their own hospitals, just like in socialized Europe. The intent of obama is to destroy the American middle class because they have too much for who they are.
2016-06-23 10:53 pm
Clearly, you have NO clue as to how the US government works, or why it has to work in that way.

The power to stop Social Security does not lie in the Executive Branch. Period.

If US voters are so fundamentally stupid as to elect a Congress that wants to impoverish them, that is the failure of those voters.

"Every election, roughly half the population votes Democrat, the other half votes Republican. I understand why Republicans get 1% of the vote . . . the richest 1%. That other 49% (of Americans) someone will just have to explain to me. The facts about what the Republicans have done to the Middle Class are beyond reasonable doubt. And yet their base refuses to see it. The moneyed elite of America are dragging a bag filled with your future down the steps and your reaction is, "Hold on there, that looks heavy, let me give you a hand getting that into your trunk."" Bill Maher
2016-06-27 3:47 am
2016-06-24 3:23 pm
Only Obama and the brain dead liberal Democrats. Remember, Obama HATES America, HATES Americans and HATES the American, he can NOT run for president again so he will do what ever he can to line his pockets with money before he's evicted.
2016-06-24 8:02 am
The president does not have the power to "stop social security"..
Illegals do not get medicare.
2016-06-24 4:15 am
Social Security is a transfer system. those that work pay in and those that retire collect benefit. Except for unusual situations there is always a 3:1 ratio of workers to retirees. So there is NO danger of it ever going broke unless the unemployment rate went to 100%. Illegals pay FICA taxes at work but don't collect any benefit for retiring. The only benefit an illegal gets is emergency health care, that thanks to Ronald Reagan. If illegals were suddenly given amnesty, it wouldn't affect the system because you have to have a 10 year work record to collect a benefit, and the benefit is based on how much you contributed in you work record. Any immigration from Mexico to the USA whether legal or illegal actually benefits the Social Security system, if you think otherwise, re-read how social security works. Right now the ratio of workers to retirees is slightly below the 3:1 mark because of baby boomers retiring, so adding new workers via comprehensive immigration reform will make the system more healthy. building a wall is about the only thing that would endanger the SS system, without the new workers, the SS trust fund will have to be tapped to pay for the excess baby boom generation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:07:26
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