Does loosing a sister get easier?

2016-06-23 8:08 pm
Lost my big sister a few days ago, she was only 20. I feel so broken. I just dont know how to feel and what to feel. We were both brought up by grandparents. Never really had relationship with mum and dad. My gran and grandpa are just coping. I just need to know it gets easier. The pain and heartache will ease off eventually. I feel like staying in all day in bed and rotting away. :(

回答 (2)

2016-06-23 8:25 pm
You have to live through and experience your grief. It varies from person to person. I lost both my parents and my brother some time ago. It still hurts. I miss them so badly.
2016-06-23 8:13 pm
I would love to tell you it will get easier with time but it won't. I lost my mom to cancer and she was only 54. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of her and I sometimes cry in my closet. The pain will never go away, you just learn to live with it. In time you'll be able to think of your sister and remember the happy times without crying but the pain will still be there. I'm sorry.

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