why don't men understand that they cant hit a woman and its 2016 whats wrong with society anyone know why ?

2016-06-23 7:57 pm

回答 (13)

2016-06-23 11:28 pm
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I was taught as a kid to never hit women. Most people (male or female, feminist or non-feminist) also believe it's not okay to hit another person. But, it is current year (2016), now, it is okay to hit a woman & treat her as an equal; it would be sexist not to! Why don't women understand that men 'can' hit a woman in self-defense?

What's wrong with society? Feminism.
Anyone know why? Perhaps feminism is the problem with society.

Feminists need to understand that regardless of gender... 
"If you hit someone you might get hit back" 
"If you slap someone you might get slapped back"

It's the fear or reciprocity that stops most violence: you take that out of the equation & you've given one group carte blanche (complete freedom) to attack the other group without consequences. There are many women who feel that their sex (female) makes them entitled. They 'know' that men are taught to 'not hit girls' and take advantage of it. It's human nature. They think that they are protected by society's norms and feel protected to 'see what they can get away with'.

Some feminists (and others) might say, "Men are stronger and it would hurt more." But, then, it's no longer about equality of intention, opportunity, choice or equality of action - but equality of outcome. Equality of outcome is the utterly preposterously unreachable goal of 3rd wave feminism.
2016-06-24 1:29 am
equal rights = equal fights
2016-06-23 10:09 pm
Yeah, it's 2016. Plus, it's June. Hell, that means that the **** that was OK in May is no longer OK. B/c... it's June. And it's the 23rd so all that "June 20th" stuff is done with. We're done with that. We've moved on. It's the 23rd of June, 2016.


What's that? You do NOT believe in unicorns? Hey, get with the times. It's 2016. June. The 23rd.
2016-06-23 9:03 pm
What man thinks it's ok to hit a woman or anyone for that matter? and when will women stop being so sexist and violent to think it's ok to hit men?
2016-06-23 8:57 pm
It's 2016, we should be beyond these double standards.
2016-06-23 8:22 pm
If a woman is trying to ******* kill you, I'm pretty sure that gives you full right to hit her or kill her back.
2016-06-24 3:34 am
Women can't hit men either.
That's gender equality you know.
If a woman is going to beat up a man for no reason just because they didn't agree on something, does not give her a right to insight violence on him. Break that rule and in the name of gender equality, men will break their vows not to hit women back. People should not hit each other. For ever action, there is a reaction.
2016-06-24 9:41 am
A place-checker every once in a while is ok when too much bitchery is done
2016-06-23 8:23 pm
know why what
2016-06-23 8:07 pm
I think it trickles down to the culture in which we grew up in and what presentations it gives to the forthcoming generations. Wife hitting just like common character, is learned and therefore when such a character seems like it's rather endorsed where we grew up from, we are gonna take it to be quite normal and practice the same! So time era here doesn't really matter but upbringing does matter a lot, more so where corrective teachings and emancipation against it was not sufficient or given at all.

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