Does Donald Trump pay income taxes, or merely file a tax return claiming no net income?

2016-06-23 6:04 pm

回答 (9)

2016-06-23 7:28 pm
We don't know and he won't tell us.
2016-06-23 7:18 pm
I would be willing to bet that he pays no income taxes. Of course the bet could never be decided since he will never release his returns. It would be hugely humiliating.
2016-06-23 6:12 pm
We don't actually know because he hasn't released his tax records yet. He wouldn't actually file 'no income' since he obviously makes money but many have speculated that based on the laws that apply to income for large real estate, he is likely to be able to write off all or most of his applicable taxes and in the end, pay a net zero in federal and state income tax
2016-06-23 6:06 pm
I'm sure he pays something. He just doesn't want it to get out that he pays a lower effective tax than someone who makes $30,000 per year.
2016-06-23 11:39 pm
it is very likely he pays income tax
2016-06-24 6:11 pm
If You have a tax question ask Clinton's they pay no taxes. they put in a charitable fund but very is use for charity mostly on themselves and their friends private business's. Hillary is one of the smartest people when it comes to cheating the government out of money. She is trying to learn email.
2016-06-23 6:05 pm
He pays.
2016-06-28 10:19 pm
Of course he pays.
2016-06-23 7:14 pm
2016-06-23 6:18 pm
In all likelihood, he pays a boatload of income taxes.

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