Somebody please help me with this Mexican doing the Dirty Work questions?

2016-06-23 5:19 pm
Can you explain to me why we are so focused on Mexicans doing the Dirty Work that Americans don't want to do at a cheaper price... I don't understand our unemployment rate, there are so many people out there that are white that would take those jobs.. We have so many homeless people that are begging for work, hell I've been hurting so bad I would have taken a blueberry picking job

回答 (8)

2016-06-23 5:22 pm
the idea that illegal aliens are doing work Americans won't do is a lie, that is used by those that support illegal aliens and open borders and big business that wants really cheap labor.
The idea that having people work below a live able wage somehow benefits the economy ignores what those people can actually do and their drain on our welfare system.
2016-06-23 5:21 pm
it's not work Americans won't do, it's work Americans won't do at $8 an hour, like the illegal aliens will. Illegals destroy wages in this country, and yet the Dimocrats, who are allegedly for the working man, are bringing in as many of them as they can, because they don't give a damn about working Americans, they want a one party State.
2016-06-23 5:21 pm
So why don't you? There's nothing stopping you. There's no reason you have to be unemployed.
2016-06-23 5:21 pm
2016-06-27 6:38 pm
I suppose the only Americans are white?
2016-06-24 9:50 pm
It all has to do with the employer; employers will hire Mexicans because they can get away with paying them close to nothing and the ILLEGAL Mexicans can't complain or they will be deported.
When my sisters and I were young....we picked strawberries and beans to make money for school clothes and loved every minute of it. Each state has changed laws making it nearly impossible for teens to even get a job anymore.
2016-06-24 4:55 pm
try a temporary agency like "laborforce".
2016-06-24 5:54 pm
the only dirty work is being done the the illegals who don't have id #'s to work in the US
I see almost entirely Mexican workers in construction, roofing, plumbing, et al, I don't know where white males can get work any more
2016-06-23 5:21 pm
Forest gump maybe???

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