麻煩大家幫我看看中文翻譯為英文有沒有錯....謝謝。 (英文是我譯的)?

2016-06-23 1:47 pm
1. 優惠券有效期由 2016年6月15日 至 2016年7月31日,只限堂食
1. The discount coupon’s valid date from 15th June, 2016 to 31st July, 2016, enjoy food at the cafeteria only.

2. 不適用於 2016年6月19日
2. The offer does not apply on 19th June,2016

3. 選擇 1 及 2 星期一至四 6pm 至 10:30pm 適用,公眾假期及其前夕除外
3. Option 1 and 2 Monday to Thursday 6pm to 10:30pm applicable,except public holidays and eve.

4. 選擇 3 及 4 星期五至日、公眾假期及其前夕 6pm 至 10:30pm 適用
4. Option 3 and 4 Friday to Sunday, public holidays and eve from 6pm to 10:30am applicable.

5. 必須收取服務費:星期一至四 成人每位 $49.8/小童每位 $28.8;星期五至日、公眾假期及其前夕 成人每位 $53.8/小童每位 $31.8;只接受現金 即場付款
5. Must charge a service fee: Monday to Thursday per adult $49.8 / per children $28.8; Monday to Sunday, public holidays and eve, per adult $53.8; per children $31.8m, accept cash payment only on the spot

6. 3 歲以下小童免費,必須於預約時表明有關人數;3 至 11 歲小童可使用小童優惠券,其他當成人計,必須使用成人優惠券
6. Under 3 years old’s children are free of charge. When you are purachase the discount coupon, Must let merchant know about the person; 3 to 11 years old’s children may use the discount coupon, other person will count as adult, must use the adult discount cupon.

回答 (1)

2016-06-23 2:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 優惠券有效期由 2016年6月15日 至 2016年7月31日,只限堂食
1. This coupon is valid only between June 15th 2016 and July, 7th 2016 and eat-in only.

2. 不適用於 2016年6月19日
2. The offer is not valid on June 19th, 2016.

3. 選擇 1 及 2 星期一至四 6pm 至 10:30pm 適用,公眾假期及其前夕除外
3. Option 1 and 2 are valid Monday through Thursday 6pm to 10:30pm, except for national holidays and the day before.

4. 選擇 3 及 4 星期五至日、公眾假期及其前夕 6pm 至 10:30pm 適用
4. Option 3 and 4 are valid Friday through Sunday from 6pm to 10:30am next day, or national holidays and the day before.

5. 必須收取服務費:星期一至四 成人每位 $49.8/小童每位 $28.8;星期五至日、公眾假期及其前夕 成人每位 $53.8/小童每位 $31.8;只接受現金 即場付款
5. Mandatory service surcharge: Monday through Thursday, adult $49.80 each, child $28.80 each. Friday through Sunday and national holidays and the day before: adult $53.80/ea, child $31.80/ea.

6. 3 歲以下小童免費,必須於預約時表明有關人數;3 至 11 歲小童可使用小童優惠券,其他當成人計,必須使用成人優惠券
6. free admission for children 2 and under but requires reservation in advance. Coupon for children is valid for children 3 through 11. All others 12 and older must pay for adult admission or use coupon for adults.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:12:32
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