Is Uber safe to use?

2016-06-23 7:09 am
I might be getting hired for a babysitting job in The Colony. Since I live in Plano, it will take way less time to drive than to ride my bike. I wanted to call a taxi for pick ups and drop offs but it's really expensive! My 2nd to last resort is Uber, however, I have heard bad things about using Uber. Since I am only 15 and female, I'm petrified that I will get attacked, raped, or kidnapped. Is Uber actually not that bad or should I just make the effort to leave my house an hour and some before work so I can arrive on time? (By bike that is)

回答 (5)

2016-06-23 11:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are no Guarantees.
You can get a bad Taxi Diver or Bad any other driver.
You could also be chased down on your bike or be in a traffic accident.
Most almost all of the drivers are safe hardworking people that just want to go home at the end of their shift.

What are you being Paid? The taxi UBER LYFT Fare might not leave you much in your pocket.

What time of day are you going in each direction?

A late night return home is a major issue. You might as part of your salary have for example cab fare home after a certain time if the Parents are late out.

A bike ride adds three hours to your work day. and not really a good idea late at at night.

There is a possibility you could get rides in one Direction or the other from your Parents or the other Parents.
Bike could go in the car for one direction.
I assume your Parents are aware of this.
2016-06-23 7:13 am
Try Lyft instead of uber. I heard alot of stuff from uber drivers. And i heard alot more positive things from Lyft. Lyft is also cheaper
2016-06-23 5:46 pm
When the car picks you up text the registration number to a friend. Do it so the driver sees you do it.
2016-06-23 11:33 am
The Uber app is very safe to use. It's just an app on your phone.

But your safety while using an Uber vehicle depends entirely on the driver of that vehicle.
2016-06-23 3:52 pm
Uber is a taxi ya moron. It's a car with a driver that takes you where you want to go and drop you off.
2016-06-26 11:33 pm
minor are not allowed to use uber

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