❓Poll: Generally speaking, are you a patient person?

2016-06-22 7:37 pm
I am, now hurry up and answer!!! ????

回答 (250)

2016-06-22 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yup and that's why i took my time to answer your question ????????
2016-06-23 4:18 am
i really try to be especially when im with other people, its not fair to them to be rude just cause youre impatient
2016-06-22 7:48 pm
Yes I'm a very patient person,ARE YA DEAF A SAID YES,LOL,Sorry about that,lol,
2016-06-22 7:38 pm
moderately so, only.
2016-06-22 7:37 pm
80% of the time.
2016-06-23 5:18 am
No ....by the way Questions of Level 1,2,3, They will be in section Discover, I said that, and I do that, well.. Watch and learn how it is done.. #V#
2016-06-23 2:46 am
Not at all.
2016-06-24 4:35 am
No - I am Not a Patient Person.
參考: JG
2016-06-22 11:23 pm
Sometimes. Depends on why I'm waiting and how badly I want it.
2016-06-22 11:47 pm
No I'm not
2016-06-25 7:21 am
Hell yea! I'm waiting for YOU to chill out..... Do you hold grudges or what, dude?
2016-06-23 1:00 am
2016-06-22 11:09 pm
Sometimes. It depends on situation.
2016-06-22 11:04 pm
Yea, I'm pretty patient,
2016-07-04 9:02 am
Nope I had a tantrum at Walmart cause the cashier had to go pee 2 time while she was scanning my stuff (17 years old).
2016-07-03 9:25 pm
Being bluntly honest, no.
2016-07-03 6:45 pm
No. (I wished you'd ask me to give examples).
2016-06-25 10:13 pm
Usually, but when I'm in a hurry, I can be a little impatient.
2016-06-25 7:09 am
2016-06-25 12:54 am
God no
2016-06-24 4:30 pm
If I was well known, I would most likely be at the top 10 world's most patient people.
2016-06-24 6:42 am
2016-06-23 11:04 pm
Indeed, :)
2016-06-23 7:01 pm
I am depending on the situation...
2016-06-23 10:28 am
Depends really lol but mostly, yeah I am. Except with trying to lose weight haha
2016-06-23 8:50 am
very patient more than most
2016-06-23 7:55 am
NO but very determined
2016-06-23 6:56 am
2016-06-23 4:48 am
Yes I am..............but my favorite saying is that even Padre Pio would occasionally lose his patience.

Even Jesus Christ flipped out on the money changers at the temple.

I mean, there IS a limit..............
2016-06-23 4:45 am
2016-06-23 1:10 am
Yes at my age I don't do anything in a hurry anymore
2016-06-23 1:07 am
I don't stop at red lights
2016-06-22 11:07 pm
You have to be patient being the only girl living with 7 brothers, Its constant teasing though if I ignore them eventually they get so pissed off and they leave me alone XD.
2016-06-22 8:58 pm
No. Not at all lol... l'm very impatient
2016-06-22 8:28 pm
Nope..absolutely no patience given by god in me!:)
2016-06-22 7:49 pm
Not at all.
2016-06-22 7:41 pm
Heck no but i still work for my own stuff
2016-06-22 7:38 pm
LOL Yes, I'm overly patient.
2016-06-24 5:55 am
It depends on my schedule really. If it's a busy day then i rush myself a lot and have no time for patients but on a slow day it's all about patient. Driving my car is maybe the worst lack of patients i have. Too many idiots on the road!
2016-06-22 7:46 pm
No, but more patient than you.
2016-06-22 7:40 pm
calm down bro CALM DOWN TAKE IT EASYY !!!!!
2016-06-22 7:39 pm
Half & half xD
2016-07-05 5:14 pm
2016-07-05 9:25 am
Unfortunately no let really
2016-07-05 8:47 am
2016-07-04 1:27 pm
English patient
2016-07-04 11:24 am
2016-07-04 5:42 am
2016-07-04 5:20 am
haha not at all????
2016-07-04 4:31 am
2016-07-03 3:40 pm
2016-07-03 2:29 am
I can appear patient but inside I really am not.
2016-07-03 12:08 am
No because I am not a Doctor
2016-07-02 7:29 pm
Not at all.
2016-07-02 7:27 pm
I try
2016-07-02 1:11 pm
Generally not. I try to be.
2016-07-02 4:44 am
2016-07-01 8:44 pm
Depends who the person is or when i dont have time to wait a minute for something
2016-07-01 6:56 am
It depends on what I have to be patient about.
2016-07-01 6:52 am
not at all
2016-07-01 6:52 am
not really depends on the other person though
2016-07-01 12:35 am
2016-06-30 7:57 pm
Generally speaking, yes. When it comes to crawling along in rush hour traffic, NO... but seriously
what can I do about it? Might as well learn to be patient......
2016-06-30 1:55 pm
hell nah.
2016-06-30 12:46 am
Yeah most of the time
2016-06-30 12:28 am
2016-06-29 8:51 pm
Not waiting for foods at restaurant or doctor and dentist appoitments everything else pretty muh yes.
2016-06-29 8:15 pm
2016-06-29 7:59 pm
2016-06-29 6:19 pm
2016-06-29 4:39 pm
Depends on why I need to be patient.
2016-06-29 5:02 am
nope wish I was though
2016-06-29 2:14 am
**** probably in a way yes
2016-06-29 12:21 am
2016-06-28 11:32 pm
Not all
2016-06-28 5:12 pm
s. absolutely.
2016-06-28 2:43 pm
2016-06-27 9:35 pm
Not at all. Not for anything or anyone
2016-06-27 7:20 pm
2016-06-27 5:55 pm
No. Nadre. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Im the most unpacient person on earth
2016-06-27 12:44 pm
Yes I am a good patient
2016-06-27 4:56 am
I can be.
2016-06-27 12:37 am
No. Can't stand waiting around
2016-06-26 10:11 pm
2016-06-26 10:03 pm
No I am not. I've spent the last hour and a half being hysterical because the Tigers got swept by Cleveland
2016-06-26 1:03 pm
Not now
2016-06-26 12:39 pm
Impatient af
2016-06-26 10:19 am
2016-06-26 8:26 am
2016-06-26 7:44 am
Fuc k yea. Whenever there is a line of 2 or more people in it i only wait in it if there are no spi cs or nigers in it sincethey are dumber and tend to be slow
2016-06-26 7:04 am
2016-06-26 6:46 am
If you bash your head on surface at the ice rink you don't have to go far for ice.
2016-06-26 5:50 am
2016-06-26 1:38 am
Kinda, but when I'm not patient I don't say anything rude and keep it to my self.
2016-06-26 1:06 am
Usually yea
2016-06-26 12:30 am
2016-06-25 11:25 pm
Yes whenever someone is mad at me and I don't even know why I just apologize to avoid trouble. It just happened to me a few minutes ago this boy was like but why do you do this to me all the time and I just said I'm so sorry I'm wrong your right and he took it ????
2016-06-25 10:40 pm
I would guess so since I have waited this long to answer this Question.
2016-06-25 10:26 pm
It is only the patients who are patient.
Realistically man is found of impatience.
2016-06-25 10:10 pm
No, not at all!... F*ck!.
2016-06-25 9:58 pm
No absolutely not
2016-06-25 9:51 pm
Now I am, in my younger years I was VERY impatient, and it hurt me in the long run.
2016-06-25 6:26 pm
Not At All
2016-06-25 5:57 pm
2016-06-25 5:32 pm
Yes when I m in good mood.and if I m in a bad mood I just go crazy and throw tantrums.
2016-06-25 1:30 pm
I cant judge my self. but according to my friends, I am.
2016-06-25 1:19 pm
Generally yes, I am a patient person, but that does not mean that i continually make excuses for the sheer stupidity of others. What did you expect ?
To go through life being totally tolerable to the action of others, no matter how ignorant, rude, aggressive, or idiotic it may be, would indicate that you yourself would need to be seriously half-witted to accept such behaviour.
2016-06-25 12:53 pm
i guess so.
2016-06-25 11:11 am
2016-06-25 11:02 am
Very patient
2016-06-25 9:46 am
I'd like to think I am, except when it comes to COMPUTERS
2016-06-25 9:33 am
Not really... It depends on my mood though
2016-06-25 8:40 am
Hell no
2016-06-25 8:22 am
Depending on what it is, it's all or nothing for me. I'm either extremely patient, or I keep thinking "Come on, come on, come on, go faster, I want out of here." and complaining a lot.
2016-06-25 8:13 am
2016-06-25 8:11 am
2016-06-25 6:44 am
2016-06-25 6:31 am
Your imagination is wrong. I am not such a person.

Haste makes waste. Please don't force me to jump into any hasty or wrong steps. First I want to see the actual patient. Otherwise, it is difficult to guess correctly.
參考: own
2016-06-25 6:01 am
Hell no
2016-06-25 4:47 am
I am not patient like I used to be. I'm more irritated.
2016-06-25 4:42 am
it depends on the situation etc
2016-06-25 3:49 am
most of the time
2016-06-25 2:53 am
2016-06-25 2:48 am
No? And I didn't know patient people existed..
2016-06-25 1:48 am
Not a patient person at all????⏳⌛⏰????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????❗❗❗????????
2016-06-25 1:24 am
2016-06-24 10:56 pm
Yes, but sarcastic all the way
2016-06-24 10:17 pm
Yes I am patient.
2016-06-24 10:03 pm
I used to think so, but everyone I know insists that I'm not.
I've since realised that they're right
2016-06-24 9:26 pm
2016-06-24 9:21 pm
Depends on the person, but generally no.
2016-06-24 8:58 pm
yes, when I am in a hospital.
2016-06-24 8:21 pm
2016-06-24 8:05 pm
2016-06-24 7:40 pm
2016-06-24 7:09 pm
No! but wish to be and i try to be, makes my life unhappy not having patients
2016-06-24 5:27 pm
Yes very
2016-06-24 5:27 pm
2016-06-24 5:07 pm
By nature, no!
2016-06-24 3:51 pm
2016-06-24 3:36 pm
It depends who I need to be patient for, if it's for someone I don't like then I'm not patient at all, but if it's for a grandma with dementia then I am EXTREMELY patient.
2016-06-24 3:05 pm
2016-06-24 12:58 pm
No...it's a very hard lesson to learn.
2016-06-24 11:41 am
It depends on situations
2016-06-24 11:33 am
Not at all. I used to have a little vulture statue that said, Patience my asz I'm going out and killing something
2016-06-24 11:03 am
Generally. Although some people really test my patience.
2016-06-24 10:09 am
2016-06-24 9:20 am
Sometimes, it depends on what I'm waiting for.
2016-06-24 8:06 am
Forced to be patient
2016-06-24 5:29 am
No never
2016-06-24 4:56 am
NO, Obsutely i am not.
2016-06-24 4:32 am
2016-06-24 3:33 am
2016-06-24 3:28 am
2016-06-24 3:27 am
Not remotely. I'm tired of traffic, immigration, crime, everything. I hate waiting for improvements or waiting in doctors offices or traffic.
2016-06-24 3:19 am
yes but once someone has crossed the line they better run
2016-06-24 2:52 am
2016-06-24 2:40 am
2016-06-24 2:21 am
No..but i want to be
2016-06-24 1:27 am
Sometimes I am and sometimes I am not, depends on the situation, where, when, etc.
2016-06-24 1:16 am
2016-06-24 12:51 am
2016-06-24 12:49 am
Yes but mines are running out.
2016-06-24 12:26 am
No ,not at all
2016-06-23 11:19 pm
Really depends. If I am on my way to school then no
2016-06-23 10:13 pm
I want to be patient, but I have a hard time.
2016-06-23 10:13 pm
Depends on who is on the other end
2016-06-23 10:12 pm
Some times
2016-06-23 10:09 pm
I use to be.
2016-06-23 9:44 pm
Yes very
2016-06-23 9:37 pm
2016-06-23 9:32 pm
Oh most definitely not!
2016-06-23 8:57 pm
2016-06-23 8:35 pm
Depends on the situation, but generally I'm not at all. I hate waiting for things, especially buses and one time when I was with my ex, he didn't answer his phone so I lost my temper and kicked a wall.
2016-06-23 8:17 pm
Sometimes. Does depend on the situation- big queue in a shop or supermarket no way!
2016-06-23 8:12 pm
2016-06-23 7:46 pm
depends on the situation
2016-06-23 7:41 pm
2016-06-23 7:22 pm
Usually I am, but not always.
2016-06-23 7:03 pm
When it comes to driving and other hobbies, but I'm mostly impatient and irritated easily by things not going fast enough for me.
2016-06-23 6:52 pm
not really
2016-06-23 6:32 pm
I have been waiting a long time to be asked this question, so yes I am patient.
2016-06-23 6:24 pm
I'm .so Hurry and give me best answer award. Quick.I can't wait
2016-06-23 6:10 pm
Honestly am not
2016-06-23 5:47 pm
It really depends...
I'd say I'm sort of patient.
2016-06-23 4:48 pm
Not when I'm at home
2016-06-23 4:40 pm
not usually
2016-06-23 3:26 pm
2016-06-23 2:27 pm
I am very impatient, and it causes a lot of stress
2016-06-23 2:17 pm
2016-06-23 2:08 pm
2016-06-23 2:07 pm
2016-06-23 1:56 pm
2016-06-23 1:48 pm
2016-06-23 1:36 pm
2016-06-23 1:20 pm
2016-06-23 12:49 pm
No I'm not... I hate slow motion ????
2016-06-23 12:26 pm
i broke my wives neck as she was a minute late with my mac and cheese
2016-06-23 11:23 am
2016-06-23 11:16 am
2016-06-23 11:14 am
Sometimes depends on my mood
2016-06-23 10:40 am
Of course
2016-06-23 10:21 am
2016-06-23 10:19 am
2016-06-23 10:18 am
I like to eat my cookies for ages lol.. enjoy eat bite :)
2016-06-23 9:45 am

2016-06-23 9:42 am
2016-06-23 9:17 am
Kind of
2016-06-23 9:08 am
Not always。
2016-06-23 8:59 am
Absolutely not
2016-06-23 8:30 am
Well I am a real patient person. Not like that fake BS patients muslims invented. That calculating patience, Hannibal the famous guy who slaughtered all the romans used. That is some patients. But tolerating BS is not patients. That's weakness. It's sorta the same but when you are patient you don't get hurt. #reading
2016-06-23 8:23 am
2016-06-23 8:06 am
It took men 12 hours to answer your question.
Why rush. If I miss it, there'll be another.
2016-06-23 7:43 am
I sat through four hours of graduation rehearsal, give me a freaking medal.
2016-06-23 7:42 am
I used to be. I met an extremely impatient person though and it sort of rubbed off onto me. I kind of need to chill out. Being patient is actually just a better way to live because it makes you more relaxed and kind to people. It just makes you generally happier too. Notice happy people are always patient and unhappy people are not.

It just comes with the territory lol.
2016-06-23 6:18 am
Yes I am a very patient person especially, when it comes to others and I have never been more

patient in my life until this year. I learned it the hard way.... thanks to a certain someone in here. Also, this

whole month... every day I have to wait for something. Its very tempting but I must have patience...for it depends

on my very life. As you can see, I took the time to answer you as well :)
2016-06-23 5:15 am
Depend$ on what I'm waiting for.

???? ????
2016-06-23 4:54 am
Nope. Not at all
2016-06-23 4:51 am
Yes, I am so patient.
2016-06-23 4:48 am
for the most part yes
2016-06-23 4:06 am
2016-06-23 3:59 am
Only with old people and children.
2016-06-23 3:15 am
Yes and no. I'm patient when I feel I should be. But not always patient when I may be expeccted to be. I hate being made to wait if I feel I really shouldn't need to. For instance, I think being stopped on the road waiting for a freight train to pass is complete utter bs, as I don't see why especially in the city an overpass was never made a priority.
2016-06-23 3:08 am
Yeah, very patient.
2016-06-23 2:52 am
Yes, mostly I can find a coping mechanisms.
2016-06-23 2:20 am
no. .and hurry up and get this over with.. still waiting....tut tut tut
2016-06-23 1:45 am
Yes. I am also a pragmatic person too.
2016-06-23 1:10 am
yes I am
2016-06-23 1:08 am
Yes, probably too patient.
2016-06-23 12:50 am
2016-06-23 12:38 am
2016-06-23 12:36 am
Depends on the situation but most of the time yes i am
2016-06-23 12:23 am
Definitely not. Especially when I'm waiting on the internet, or when I'm waiting for something really exciting to happen.
2016-06-23 12:07 am
I think so
2016-06-22 11:59 pm
so impatient
2016-06-22 11:51 pm
I'm patient like a sleeping volcano. :D
2016-06-22 11:20 pm
2016-06-22 11:15 pm
am I being held at house point.
2016-06-22 10:34 pm
2016-06-22 10:31 pm
Used to be years ago. Not anymore though.
2016-06-22 10:29 pm
2016-06-22 10:09 pm
you are rushing me. no
2016-06-22 9:58 pm
yes, maybe, no!
2016-06-22 7:52 pm
No I ain't patient
2016-06-22 7:38 pm
2016-06-25 1:39 pm
2016-06-25 2:49 am
I used to be at one time but now I don't have the patience for it anymore.
2016-06-23 12:02 am
2016-06-22 11:49 pm
2016-06-22 11:16 pm
Too patient

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