I'm 17 and my new first job is stressing me out. What should I do?

2016-06-22 5:31 am
I got my first job at a restaurant and it really stresses me out because I mess up quite a bit. It is my first job and I have been working there as a waiter for about two weeks. Sometimes I mess up with things that are probably supposed to be obvious to do. It sucks and I feel sick to the core when my managers get disappointed. I feel like a failure. But I cant really quit my job because I need the money to help my mother and just prepare early for college.
Any advice on this would be helpful and I appreciate it.

回答 (2)

2016-07-04 4:47 am
Holy **** I.
2016-06-22 9:33 pm
People make mistakes, especially beginners. As long as you don't get fired, you are doing a good enough job...
Everyone had their first job at some point, so people understand. That being said, if you are a couple months in making the same mistakes, you'll get canned.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:07:46
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