I took 4800mg of ibuprofen?

2016-06-21 5:39 pm
I'm a 13 year old girl is this enough to kill me bearing in mind when I took 2800 mg ibuprofen I had no side effects . Yes it is a suicide attempt

回答 (7)

2016-06-21 11:40 pm
If you kill yourself, you won't go to heaven, lol just kiddin,but seriously you are so young, you have so much to live for, I don't care what your problem is, when you are 25, you'll look back at this moment in time and laugh, trust me, there is someone who is going through much much worst, but they won't kill themselves.
2016-06-21 5:48 pm
Possibly. It's difficult to know who will have an extreme reaction to high doses of ibuprofen and who will be unaffected. An ibuprofen overdose can cause fatal kidney failure as well as severe internal bleeding which will also kill. Vomiting up pints of blood is a horrific way to die.

It is up to you but if you are prepared to overdose you must be prepared to die. Your internal organs don't know if you are overdosing as a cry for help or to get your parents attention. There isn't an antidote to ibuprofen but you'd be wise to call an ambulance and go to A&E. [Overdosing won't get you admitted to a psych unit].

Edit: I made the comment about the psych unit before realising who had asked this question. If it's so obvious to me that you overdose to try and get admitted don't you think that it's obvious to the crisis team when they have to come and assess you after you've been "accidently been found out" and end up in hospital again.

Making a suicidal gesture without the intent to end your life is known as parasuicide. The instance where you supposedly locked yourself in the bathroom threatening to drink bleach unless you were admitted is known as manipulative behaviour.

You have severe behavioural problems, you aren't mentally ill. Your prior threats of arson and allegedly stabbing someone are other examples of your manipulative behaviour. You are in control of your actions and if you don't pull your socks up and stop this nonsense you will end up in the judical system not the mental health system.
2016-06-21 7:00 pm

I used to be addicted to Nurofen Plus, which contains Ibuprofen and Codeine. I had a nervous breakdown in 1998 and I used to take handfuls of these Nurofen Plus tablets, to rid of the Depression I had at the time. It was the Codeine in these tablets, which basically got me stoned, when I had taken enough of them.

With Nurofen or Nurofen Plus, as they both contain Ibuprofen, they can cause Stomach Ulcers, which can be painful and result in Internal Bleeding. Also, as Nurofen Plus contains Codeine, which is Opiate based, this can cause severe constipation.

I had to go on a Drug Treatment Programme and was prescribed Subutex. After a while, I stopped SELF HARMING by taking these Nurofen Plus and became Physically and Mentally stable by taking the Subutex.

Deprsssion is an evil thing. I first, I never used to get out of bed and I stopped taking pride in my personal appearence in terms of washing and shaving, as even that was too stressful.

If you do experience these suicidal thought again, then please talk to someone, like your GP, who may refer you to a Psychiatrist. It's only a Psychiatrist that can determine whether you have Mental Health problems or not. I certainly cannot say whether you have Mental Health issues, as I am not medically qualified and I don't know anything about you, apart from your suicide attempt.

Please make an appointment to go see your GP and explain to the Doctor the thoughts and issues that you are experiencing. This would be a step in the right direction.
2016-06-22 1:42 am
Not close. You've failed yet again, and my guess is that it was a suicidal gesture from a muddled mind, not an actual attempt..
2016-06-21 5:47 pm
It will damage your liver, but you'll take weeks to die and it will be painful.

Why don't you just call the suicide hotline before you do something stupider?

2016-06-21 5:56 pm
Please don't...you will die painfully of a heart attack or stroke.
2016-06-21 6:07 pm
pls dont kill ur self we love u .

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