需要5千字感謝信 需要5千字感謝信?

2016-06-21 2:44 pm

回答 (1)

2016-06-21 3:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Commodities Co.
Dept.of Merchandise,
---------------------Letter of Thanks------------------

Dear Mr. Stockpile,
---How perfectly good of you to promote me (---) to General Manager position. It is most grateful, as I received the info-offer from Chief Secy and from you by the same date.So I feel that with the blessing and help of both of you, I ought to do well and gratefully accepted for the post.
---You've explained what my new senior post is like.You said that I got the hardworking records, and experience and skill. I appreciate what you did for me..
---I am sorry to miss the old colleagues here, however, I hope to be a brilliant hard worker as usual at the new managerial site and post where I shall be under your inspection frequently. So if you want to see my new promotional post, try to come and instruct me at any time, won't you ?
---Thanks for your promotional offer which I'll accept with gratitude and promise which is worth more than 5000 words.

-------------------------Your happy colleague and collaborator,

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