What do I do?

2016-06-21 6:26 am
I'm in a bad place. I want to die. I'm 13. No one loves me. No one cares and I just want to disappear. I want to get away.

回答 (26)

2016-06-22 3:19 am
At 13 you probably feel like no one takes you seriously because of your age. But really, it's true, being 13 sucks and you just have to learn to get through it. Guess what I was doing at 13? Running from house to house from my abusive family. Getting bullied at school too. I was homeless at one point. Just you wait until you're 18, that's when a lot of stress comes along but as an adult at 18 you'll be expected to deal with it. But you do get your freedom. Now at 20 my life is better than it was at 13 but it's still so complicated. You will always get obstacles in your way, that's just a fact of life. There are so many people out there worse than you and I, now's not the time to give up. Love? I can live without that. I don't think anyone ever loved me. Yes there have been times where I've craved love but you don't need another person to make you whole. Tell yourself you're strong and independent because you are.
2016-06-21 12:14 pm
There are time spans when you feel as if everything is stacked against you and nothing will get better, but these are the times in which you will look back at in the future and understand the context of the moment. I'm 19, but I truly feel your pain, trust me things will get better. At certain points in my life I felt exactly like you and I wanted to end it all because I couldn't handle life any longer. When your down and out, you tend to lean on he negative aspects of your life as opposed to the positives. I know that there is someone in your life even if you don't realize it that truly cares for you. This person(s) should be enough of a reason to stick around and face life. If you feel like you've hit rock bottom, then the only place to go is up. You are worth it and you are capable of achieving genuine happiness.
2016-06-21 6:39 am
honestly at the age of 13 everything sucks. I've been through that stage and im sure most teens have too! but in all honesty it gets much better when you get older and find people who will love you the way you are
2016-06-22 5:30 am
You get help. Don't tell Yahoo your problems. Text a hotline. The people who are gonna say they care probably don't. They just say it so that you can feel better. Make friends. Join a group, club, clique. Go to weird websites and become a member. Watch anime. It's pretty cool
2016-06-23 12:13 am
you are hormonal and many teens go through emotional roller coasters. It will level out and for a time being just ignore it.
2016-06-21 8:20 am
stop it u have everything to live for c
2016-06-21 9:21 pm
the one thing that your family, school, enemies and life for that matter can never take away are your DREAMS, HOPE, AND FAITH. your mind sets you free. if you keep believing and dreaming of a better future, eventually it will come. I'm betting what your dealing with has nothing to do with age but your heart and feelings. so I'll tell you to read some books they helped me. "A CHILD CALLED IT" a man named dave. rules of survival. and others similar. what I have learned is that whatever I'm going through there's other going through worse andb of they can make it then why can't i? tell yourself this eveeyday, don't think just do.
2016-06-22 11:27 pm
Stopped reading at 13.
2016-06-22 7:34 am
To cry forever in the hell. Come in your sense. Present unhappy time will go away very soon. Like sun rise after every dark night. Be calm down.
2016-06-21 6:29 am
Look at the full half of the glass. If nobody cares about you, nobody bothers you. Then you're free to pursue anything you want. Trust me kid. Relationships are overrated. Freedom is all there is.

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