Are you good at grammar?

2016-06-20 9:41 pm

回答 (21)

2016-06-20 9:46 pm
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2016-06-20 9:47 pm
I'm waiting for some idiot to take the obvious ironic route of answering yes while demonstrating poor grammar.
2016-06-20 9:56 pm
Terribly rubbish at this here grammar.
2016-06-21 2:16 am
2016-06-20 9:53 pm
2016-06-21 8:55 am
Yea think good at, grammar.
2016-06-22 11:49 am
Yes, I am very good at grammar. Why do you want to know?
2016-06-22 3:45 am
2016-06-21 10:44 pm
Failed English did I... Say not good at grammar I am they did.
2016-06-21 2:42 pm
Pretty good.Good grammar is more important than a large vocabulary.Whenever you use 2 or more words you are using grammar.
2016-06-21 5:13 am
Yeah,I am pretty good at Grammar .I think that Grammar is the skeleton body of the written language.

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