Which country is your favorite? Why?

2016-06-20 8:43 pm

回答 (333)

2016-06-20 10:00 pm
United States.
2016-06-20 11:23 pm
Japan because it has such an amazing rich culture
2016-06-22 7:57 am
USA because you guys have the White House, Hollywood and Las Vegas - how cool is that?

Also like New Zealand because of the mountains and sheep.
2016-06-22 3:11 pm
Australia: They have a better sound economy, no snow, usually sunny, great beaches, pretty girls, cool accent and one of the greatest rock bands of all time. AC/DC!!!!

Worst country in the world is anywhere in the Middle East and America. The Middle East is a complete wreck hit with many wars, old fashion lifestyle and the Arabic language is horrible sounding (Sounds like they swallowed a cat!). America because it's too ignorant, too many public shootings, media driven and they stole many Africans from Africa to obtain wealth from free work (Slavery)!
2016-06-21 6:04 am
United Kingdom - It is my Country.
參考: JG
2016-06-21 12:41 pm
2016-06-20 8:52 pm
Germany .. ..I said that questions of Level 1 will be in section Discover, well.. watch and learn how it is done... #Vendetta#
2016-06-21 11:29 am
Nazi Germany
2016-06-21 1:10 am
America because we have Taylor Swift
2016-06-21 5:14 am
In Africa: Algeria (Food is great)
In Asia: Japan, Tokyo (It's very interesting)
In Europe: UK (Love all the attractions)
2016-06-21 2:52 am
Usa, my country. Freedom.
2016-06-22 1:58 am
2016-06-21 6:06 am
Italy I think is georgeous
2016-06-20 8:53 pm
Italy/ ac milan
2016-06-20 8:45 pm
2016-06-21 12:36 pm
The country where I was born which is Afghanistan
2016-06-20 8:54 pm
Canada. cause it has 0 Donald Trumps.
2016-06-21 10:00 pm
2016-06-21 12:41 pm
Russia because Cyka Bylat
2016-06-20 8:54 pm
Tough call. At the moment, I would have to say France. The food is awesome and the regional history is fascinating.

But both Germany and Mexico are high in the running for similar reasons.
2016-06-23 3:48 am
We have the best food in the planet
2016-06-20 9:11 pm
2016-06-21 8:12 pm
The United States because I was born here. My next favorite is Japan.
2016-06-21 1:26 pm
2016-06-20 9:17 pm
New Zealand because the people are nice.it's very relaxing and the weather is great...
2016-06-21 10:54 am
Cause - it is beautiful and my country.
2016-06-21 2:44 am
United States
2016-06-20 9:12 pm
2016-06-20 8:44 pm
my country ...Australia
2016-06-23 1:43 am
2016-06-21 2:08 am
Ireland.....it's my heritage. I would enjoy visiting and learning more about my culture.
2016-06-21 12:03 am
Italy because I love pasta and Italian food
2016-06-20 8:57 pm
The US
2016-06-21 9:30 am
England. Indisputably.
2016-06-22 3:59 pm
America, we are free here and we will always be the best country in the world. Every four years we have a peaceful transition of power and the citizens are the ones who control power, not tyrants.
2016-06-23 4:54 am
Haha definitely not America.
2016-06-22 9:09 am
Italy...Sun, food, nature and beautiful architecture
2016-06-22 7:15 am
2016-06-22 6:25 am
USA! Or Mexico for yummy food! Liechtenstein is a cute little place for my hubby and I to watch clouds
2016-06-22 3:41 am
north korea, i love their president's haircut.
2016-06-21 9:09 pm
2016-06-21 4:52 am
France, romantic.
2016-06-21 1:32 am
USA, because I was born here.
2016-06-22 11:50 am
2016-06-20 8:43 pm
2016-06-21 3:12 am
2016-06-20 8:51 pm
America its me home also Russia huge amounts of my brothers and sisters live ere
2016-06-21 2:24 pm
India because it's funny.
2016-06-22 5:26 pm
Italy! <3 because its the only one ive been to besides US lol
2016-06-22 5:22 am
America and india
2016-06-22 3:05 pm
2016-06-22 6:02 am
Italy because idk
2016-06-22 2:43 am
This one , the best one of course , although it is the politicians that we would like to ship to the moon. Canada.
2016-06-21 11:24 pm
Ireland because she is so beautiful
2016-06-21 4:21 pm
2016-06-21 8:37 am
naturally australia cause im an aussie
2016-06-21 6:45 am
Japan, because anime, manga, and video games
2016-06-21 5:52 am
Singapore,because its very beautiful....
2016-06-21 4:55 am
east or west india is the best.
no countery is perfect. but we r makeing india perfect
2016-06-22 10:16 am
Japan because it's the da land of da rising sun :3
2016-06-22 8:14 am
....the house I live in.....why?....because that is all I know.............
2016-06-21 3:42 pm
India because it has a very rich cultural, lingual and religious diversity.I love it's food. Plus it offers some Humerous gags too. :'D
2016-06-21 10:29 am
United States.
2016-06-21 1:29 am
France. It's very pretty and there's lots of shopping.
2016-06-21 1:28 am
USA, Its my country
2016-06-21 5:55 pm
Always rooting for the US.

They are making real progress under Obama.

I'm UK.
2016-06-20 11:20 pm
MALTA - Europe

I own a house there
2016-06-21 3:17 am
My country the good ole USA.
2016-06-20 8:45 pm
The USA because I live there.
2016-06-21 7:30 am
Bangladesh because my homeland
2016-06-23 7:16 am
bangladesh because it is a usfull country
2016-06-23 3:53 am
Canada, because I live here.
2016-06-22 10:48 pm
I like america for its land, england for its people, and russia for its morals!!!!!
2016-06-22 8:19 pm
USA cause im from here!
2016-06-22 12:47 pm
USA because of all the things you can buy and places you can go.
2016-06-22 12:13 pm
2016-06-22 12:02 pm
USA because of lots of technologically advanced toys and weapons.
2016-06-22 8:29 am
The U.S. Because I live there
2016-06-21 8:40 pm
USA. Born and lived here all my life.
2016-06-21 6:42 pm
America because it's the greatest country in the history of the world
2016-06-21 8:42 am
Serbia—because it's my country
2016-06-24 2:06 am
2016-06-23 3:25 am
Pakistan,because of its beautiful places,brave army and a beautiful history.
2016-06-22 12:48 pm
USA my dream is i m visit and enjoy my holiday here one day ..
2016-06-22 11:16 am
England, I like the Queen.
2016-06-22 8:11 am
Canada... because its my home country and have never been out of it yet.
2016-06-22 4:24 am
2016-06-22 2:39 am
Scotland for all its natural beauty, but the weather lets it down sometimes.
2016-06-21 9:01 pm
Norway, beautiful mountains and fjords.
2016-06-21 8:06 pm
2016-06-21 5:42 pm
after my India i love is Norway...so discipline in them like very good...if my country's people decide to be disciplined & love their country then man...would be so nice!:)
2016-06-21 4:48 pm
USA because I was born here
2016-06-21 10:14 am
Brazil most family come from brazil I'm black and creo and some Mexican creole is French Spanish Portuguese and some parts of native american most of my Portuguese family comes from Brazil and some from France and the native American I don't know about but back then they miggratted to Louisiana and new Orleans and they call all that creole
2016-06-21 8:31 am
France, I live there
2016-06-21 8:08 am
2016-06-21 2:28 am
Thailand and Seoul Korea they are beautiful <3
2016-06-20 10:05 pm
2016-06-20 9:49 pm
Hm, probably the United Kingdom.
2016-06-22 6:33 am
2016-06-22 4:55 am
Even though I've never been there, (yet
to be there) I'll pick Italy.

That's for their AWARD-WINNING

Japan probably isn't too shabby.

Which reminds me. Note to self:

Invent the sushi pizza.
2016-06-21 9:17 pm
I like Japan (Because of its culture and food, also Anime,Vocaloids,Manga.), But my favourite country is Switzerland (Swiss Cheese,Swiss Chocolate, Privacy Laws,Swiss Alps etc.) I also like their flag it looks like a medic cross.
2016-06-21 3:06 pm
I am too sexy for your question.
2016-06-21 1:24 am
England because of the fish and chips
2016-06-20 11:16 pm
2016-06-20 8:54 pm
The one I live in of course!
2016-06-22 6:31 am
Sweden, because it is liberal.
2016-06-21 9:34 pm
Egypt ✌🏼
2016-06-21 6:19 am
America cause I live there
2016-06-21 2:44 am
America, we have pizza, sprite, ice cream, Trump and Bieber among many other things.
Don't get pissed.
2016-06-20 8:44 pm
I'll make this short and sweet: The USA is the best, and will continue to be the best as long as the Constitution is intact.
2016-06-26 1:18 pm
United States Because Were Born to be Wild and Born to be Free. BORN IN THE USAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: Born In USA!
2016-06-25 2:42 pm
UK, Singapore, Australia, France, Iceland, Sweden, Finland and especially my homeland country Indonesia!
You can find many diverse of food, culture, kind of animal and plants, and much more :)
2016-06-24 11:05 pm
American to be specific Cincinnati Ohio cause Andy Biersack was born there and he is the best!!!!
2016-06-24 10:36 pm
Austria. Cradle of culture and "savoir vivre"
2016-06-24 3:24 pm
2016-06-24 8:40 am
2016-06-24 3:05 am
United States. Most geographically diverse country and other things.
2016-06-23 9:13 pm
The USA baby
2016-06-23 9:58 am
switzerland.. Its beautiful
2016-06-23 9:27 am
UAE Because of its safety, respect and equality for women
2016-06-23 9:14 am
Italy, i love arts any kind music, painting, statue and pasta
2016-06-23 8:09 am
I must say China because of its food. Yes, the food!
2016-06-23 4:40 am
Sweden. It's where I'm from.
2016-06-23 12:28 am
2016-06-22 9:19 pm
usa... my dream counry
2016-06-22 9:02 pm
I like the United States because that is my country.
2016-06-22 8:34 pm
I love Puerto Rico because the climate is warm, humid, and tropical.
2016-06-22 9:18 am
Sweden because of Zlatan
2016-06-22 8:15 am
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany cause my dad's side of the family is from there and I adore the German language.
2016-06-21 11:19 pm
Besides my country, United States, England. USA for obvious reasons, and England, last place I walked the earth.
2016-06-21 5:59 pm
2016-06-21 3:32 pm
USA especially Pennsylvania because of Gettysburg and Virginia because of Colonial Williamsburg.

I am an American Revolutionary War Buff and a Civil War Buff.
2016-06-25 8:09 am
2016-06-24 8:06 am
I line United States bescause they make awesome games.
2016-06-23 2:23 pm
I have to say and I believe AMERICA is not only my favorite but is the greatest country. The reason is in the diversity of America, known and also called the "melting pot" of society. By that I mean we are Americans. People come to America as Chinese, Japaneese, Africans, Europeans, Russians, Italians, French,Mexicans etc, etc, etc, and then choose to become AMERICANS.

We/You/They are no longer that from where we came but we are now Americans and our strength is in our diversity. We may have come from areas of disagreement and violence, we may have come being Arabs or Jews and filled with hate but dislove into the singular oneness of being an American, a Jewish American or Arab American and we become brothers assimulating into a new entity where we should respect each other's diversity while honoring our past history.

America is my favorite because it allows people to leave their hatred, bigotry, and pains behind and create a new promising future. No other Country I am aware of does that better than America so America is my favorite.
2016-06-23 5:02 am
United States :D
2016-06-22 2:09 pm
India because India is a Beautiful Cultured Country
2016-06-22 1:53 pm
2016-06-22 12:37 pm
Italy. I'm quarter Italian
2016-06-22 11:17 am
India & Switzerland
2016-06-22 10:16 am
2016-06-22 7:58 am
Scotland because my heritage is there
Japan because of the rich history and beautiful culture
2016-06-22 7:55 am
Id like to say the UK, but its full of organised crime, so maybe Germany where all the legal hookers are
2016-06-22 6:08 am
2016-06-22 4:55 am
2016-06-22 4:07 am
2016-06-21 10:44 pm
2016-06-21 10:21 pm
Norway cause that's where I am from originally
2016-06-21 5:39 pm
Of course I choose Canada for its democracy, independence, multiculturalism and as a member of the British Commonwealth nations .
2016-06-21 5:35 pm
My home and native land.
2016-06-21 4:22 pm
Canada. Because I was born here xD.
2016-06-21 4:10 pm
United Kingdom
2016-06-21 3:47 pm
Australia mate !
2016-06-21 10:07 am
My own - the UK
2016-06-21 8:47 am
U.K. --home
2016-06-21 5:18 am
North Carolina cause I live here
2016-06-21 12:48 am
2016-06-20 10:17 pm
Canada. It's like the USA, except with maple syrup, redheads, and racial equality.
2016-06-25 11:30 pm
2016-06-23 1:47 pm
How can anyone compare the U.S to great old Australia?! The U.S will never be as great as Australia! I love both Somalia and Australia, never will i ever doubt their greatness, one struggled and won the fight, the other welcomed me here. I'm an ex refugee here and i feel at home in Melbourne, love this Multicultural place, friendly people. The only thing that i noticed about this place is most of the prejudice is thrown at me by bogon white folks ( minority), and people seem to have 0 idea about East Africans and why we look the way we look, and how theres 54 countries in Africa. Besides all this, this is better than the U.S.
2016-06-22 6:49 pm
Pakistan..it has 114 types of Mangoes..and much more which most countries can only dream of
2016-06-22 12:45 pm
India, Russia, Japan, France, Germany, Canada, etc.
2016-06-22 9:04 am
India..the best with snowy mountains...deserts..plains..river..everything..
2016-06-22 7:54 am
India, because of Democracy.
2016-06-22 7:08 am
2016-06-22 6:52 am
2016-06-21 8:38 pm
United States because I live here and I don't want to live in another crappy country.
2016-06-21 10:17 am
The United States, the country I was born and raised in and still live in. I love my freedom.
2016-06-20 9:10 pm
UAE!! idkwhy!!!
2016-06-23 1:23 am
India because of its diversity and devotion to God
2016-06-21 1:52 am
Cascadia, because it seems mythical and magical. Don’t know about it? Google it!
2016-06-22 12:25 pm
it's more fun in the PHILIPPINES
2016-06-21 5:55 pm
Pakistan turds
2016-06-21 9:35 am
united kingdom
2016-06-21 12:21 pm
Australia (im Australia:) & Japan!
2016-07-08 7:19 am
Whatever one I'm in at any particular time. I travel a lot. I'm obsessed with feudal Japan, but the Japan of today isn't quite the same. It's pretty nice though. Maybe Japan for a second.
2016-07-08 7:18 am
2016-07-07 3:20 am
New Zealand. Better and bigger waves then where I'm at. Bad *** views from cliffs and plains. Weird animals chilling everywhere.
2016-07-06 2:22 am
uk ..great fair..no guns..
2016-07-05 8:05 pm
America-we have the guns
2016-07-05 10:49 am
I love England, but don't like what it's turning into, ruined by the EU and and a rat race mentality caused by decades of bad parenting. So I moved to Rep of IRELAND, a great place to live. Europe is fascinating, and I love the US, but they all drive on the wrong side of the road.
參考: World travel, including Royal Navy.
2016-07-03 5:33 am


AMERICA!!!!! BECAUSE MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE HERE! :D and it's the land of opportunities!
2016-07-02 11:46 pm
2016-07-02 9:18 pm
Great Britain. Alot of history to it.
2016-07-02 5:09 am
USA because it's my home!
2016-07-02 1:00 am
Hindustan - Shri Modi
2016-06-30 6:44 pm
Palestine because we have the holy city of Jerusalem for Muslims, Christians, and Jews
2016-06-30 4:03 pm
France and iran got to be my favs
2016-06-30 3:52 pm
Iceland because of its restful people and amazing landscapes
2016-06-30 9:42 am
England cus I live there
2016-06-28 4:21 am
Japan because they created so many shows that I like!
2016-06-28 1:34 am
2016-06-28 1:15 am
2016-06-28 1:04 am
Australia seems like the most chill, peaceful country. The people seem great too! I would love to visit one day
2016-06-27 11:56 pm
USA duh
2016-06-27 11:44 pm
Croatia - Why? We Have Ćevapi And Burek
2016-06-27 10:23 pm
United States, but only because I live here lol
2016-06-27 8:09 pm
2016-06-27 4:41 pm
Canadian of course!
2016-06-27 8:09 am
Go East Go west India is the Best
2016-06-27 6:27 am
2016-06-27 4:58 am
i always wanted to live in UK first of all the beautiful accent! also the old streets ,you know places like harry potter xD.. rustic ..old..beautiful landscapes makes feel peace and the music too! i really love keane and coldplay and they're british
2016-06-27 3:41 am
UK and Australia
2016-06-27 1:36 am
japan, cause of all the anime and cosplay and weird stuff they do
2016-06-27 12:32 am
Ireland, its so beautiful
2016-06-26 9:53 pm
The United States because I live there.
2016-06-26 9:09 pm
Oceania. I saw several thousand miles of it
several times and was paid to work there as
a civilian at classified locations.
2016-06-26 7:49 pm
Switzerland because of the Alps
2016-06-26 6:55 pm
2016-06-26 2:46 pm
USA because you guys have the White House, Hollywood and Las Vegas - how cool is that?

Also like New Zealand because of the mountains and sheep.
2016-06-26 2:42 pm
-Samurai and Karate
Nuff Said
2016-06-26 8:25 am
Bangladesh. Because Bangladesh is beautiful country in the world.
2016-06-26 7:12 am
2016-06-26 2:16 am
Australia it seems so nice and peaceful and scenic
2016-06-26 1:03 am
Russia. The only free country.
2016-06-26 12:25 am
United States, because United States.
2016-06-25 7:54 pm
Canada 🍁🇨🇦
2016-06-25 6:32 pm
Australia & Canada
2016-06-25 6:09 pm
United States is obviously the best country in the world.
2016-06-25 6:03 pm
Either Italy or France. I love French culture but Italian food is the best!
2016-06-25 5:30 pm
2016-06-25 2:10 pm
My country of birth. That is where God created me
2016-06-25 10:44 am
United States due to having a freedom
2016-06-25 10:24 am
Brazil cuz theres a lot of big booty there 🍑😩😂
2016-06-25 10:10 am
Austria, because it is such a beautiful place.
2016-06-25 7:41 am
My home land is my favorite country, because I am a Patriot.
2016-06-25 6:36 am
United states for freedom
2016-06-25 4:33 am
My favorite country is Italy, I like their spaghetti and pizzas.
2016-06-24 4:43 pm
Japan because it is a very cultural and traditional place! I love history and culture, I respect it alot, they also have amazing scenery and food!
2016-06-24 4:18 pm
Anything other than U.S of A.
2016-06-24 4:12 pm
2016-06-24 3:52 pm
I have to be biased towards US and I respect and love each and every democratic nation and their people.

I know the US is full of itself but heck it's where I'm from
2016-06-24 3:07 pm
2016-06-24 1:29 pm
India. Because It has all characteristics of Geographically.
2016-06-24 12:52 pm
2016-06-24 12:51 pm
cuba because castros beard is cool
2016-06-24 12:38 pm
I am in love with any Hispanic cultures such as Spain and Cuba 😍😍 The way people speak in Spanish is soooo attractive!! Also, I love their passion for music.
2016-06-24 11:42 am
2016-06-24 8:56 am
2016-06-24 7:08 am
2016-06-24 6:41 am
south AFRICA cause THEY HAVE gautrain
2016-06-24 5:06 am
2016-06-24 3:41 am
2016-06-24 2:40 am
The country that is my favourite is "I don't know" country. It's great place for people who doesn't have a favourite in country but likes all the countries.
2016-06-24 1:49 am
New Zealand.
because nobody knows where it is.
2016-06-24 1:42 am

2016-06-24 1:14 am
has huge diversity...Food,religion,culture,rituals,30 states,more then 200 languages and dialects,second largest desert,snow,mountains,different race,beaches,lakes,monuments etc ect. its just a combo pack of any country of this planet.
Indian film star Shah Rukh khan holds the position of second richest actor in the world.

2016-06-24 12:32 am
2016-06-23 10:57 pm
2016-06-23 10:32 pm
2016-06-23 10:15 pm
2016-06-23 8:46 pm
Italy and france and Norway!
2016-06-23 7:34 pm
2016-06-23 5:34 pm
My hometown because this is where i belong
2016-06-23 5:13 pm
2016-06-23 5:06 pm
2016-06-23 4:09 pm
The country France: The hot French females, since the American females keep rejecting me.
2016-06-23 4:02 pm
2016-06-23 3:52 pm
Germany bc it has a unique history.
2016-06-23 2:37 pm
Czech Republic... Our capital city (Prague), is over 1000 years old, we have castles (over 100) and hockey players (Jagr, Hasek...:)
2016-06-23 2:07 pm
I haven't been to any other countries yet. So I don't know.
2016-06-23 12:49 pm
Australia, sun , beach, parties, beers, tanned skin, life ✌🏼️
2016-06-23 12:48 pm
Bangladesh . because i love my country
2016-06-23 12:43 pm
2016-06-23 12:12 pm
2016-06-23 11:44 am
Palestine because it's seized by Israelis and I like their Resistance.
2016-06-23 11:22 am
Turkey cuz they have "pide" check it on google and itz my home so ...
2016-06-23 11:00 am
armenia bc im armenian
2016-06-23 9:23 am
United States Of America California & Florida! Greece, Italy, England Ireland. Japan & México. Why? Well, I Was Born In Florida, Raised In California. I Am Of Greek Descent, I Love Italian Cuisine, Fashion. I Am Of English Descent As Well! I Love Japanese Cuisine, Culture, Music, Fashion & Art! I Love Mexican Cuisine, Culture, Music, & Art! Don't Even Get Me Started On The Men! Ay Dios!
2016-06-23 8:56 am
Canada? Nah. Maybe sweden? hmm maybe south koreaaaaa
2016-06-23 8:50 am
United Kingdom
2016-06-23 8:46 am
Somewhere in Europe i think, because there place is a city of love, maybe i can find my soulmate in there.
2016-06-23 6:51 am
Turkey - Living in Turkey is an art, not a science. You will be happy if you know what to do as well as what not to do, wonderful weather, wonderful geography, four seasons, live Asia as well as Europe, Turkish food is wonderful, the cost of living is quite reasonable, paradise for archeology and history lovers, and and and.
2016-06-23 5:41 am
Love my Homeland and Australia...
2016-06-23 5:05 am
2016-06-23 5:02 am
2016-06-23 4:59 am
Denmark. They are said to be the happiest. Free healthcare and education and with top ranking test scores compared with the world
2016-06-23 4:29 am
2016-06-23 3:50 am
2016-06-23 3:13 am
2016-06-22 11:05 pm
2016-06-22 5:51 pm
2016-06-22 4:40 pm
the one I was born in England part of the U.K
2016-06-22 4:17 pm
Why just one? I live in America, but I'd rather live in Germany or Russia because they're awesome! GERMANY HAS SUCH AN INTERESTING PAST AND IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL! I ALSO REALLY WANT TO VISIT THEIR TECHNO CLUBS! GERMAN SPARKLE PARTY EVERYONE! Russia is so interesting and since I'm a Winter baby, the place would suit me well. Also, Russian accents are ******* awesome. Japan, too, because I'm an otaku and it's really pretty there, especially in Spring.
2016-06-22 9:53 am
2016-06-22 6:07 am
This one, 'cos I live here.
2016-06-21 7:10 pm
I've never left the U.S so I can't tell you about countries I've never been to
2016-06-21 4:33 pm
I don't have a favorite
2016-06-28 7:50 am
Planet Earth
2016-06-27 9:02 pm
I love America. Wouldn't live anywhere else. I don't know much about other countries but I know we are fair in many regards.

United Kingdom music-wise, because that's where all the great rock bands came from! U2, The Who, Beatles, Kinks, Queen, Rolling Stones, Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, T. Rex, The Smiths, Oasis, Coldplay, etc.
2016-06-26 10:19 pm
australia because we have tim tams
2016-06-26 6:10 am
Israel The Land Flowing With Milk And Honey GOD'S Country
2016-06-25 4:11 am
2016-06-24 6:48 pm
China, for defeating the capitalist ways of the western imperialists.
2016-06-23 1:27 pm
Malaysia bcz its a beautiful country
2016-06-23 11:27 am
Israel. They have MOSSAD, They are the only democracy in the autocratic, monarchic and theocratic Middle East, their girls are hot, their food is the best and most importantly, they SURVIVE.
2016-06-23 11:12 am
i like a peaceful countyr ,so maybe will choose northern europr or russian ,also i like skiing,so alps is a good choice
2016-06-23 6:05 am
KSA--Rule of law is there.
2016-06-23 1:56 am
Spain young people act a lot nicer and have class
2016-06-23 1:06 am
Philippines. Much more to do here retired than in America. Much safer Country to live in than America. Much more freedom here than in America.
2016-06-23 1:04 am
I really like Norway.
2016-06-23 12:58 am
Japan because of anime and pretty girls hehe
2016-06-22 11:27 pm
Ireland...umm no reason really I just like the people
2016-06-22 10:53 pm
Italy I went there last year
2016-06-22 10:15 pm
2016-06-22 9:35 pm
norway because we are almost the richest and it it the best country to live in in 7 years in a row
2016-06-22 9:16 pm

Because there live many community and Cultural people together!!!
Bangladeshi people are very simple and it has beautiful dark green Natural Environment.
2016-06-22 5:16 pm
2016-06-22 1:45 pm
2016-06-22 11:05 am
France because it is beautiful
2016-06-22 9:53 am
Australia, this is the greatest country in the world
2016-06-22 5:30 am
If you look for a country where you get all the facilities, with beautiful places and less population, clean environment and english speaking people then Australia is my name. For deep history, European roads, rivers and cleanliness then Hungary, france, belgium, bulgaria. And where life is like heaven, good food, good place and good people with culture then south Korea is my favourite. I also like Argentina, Chile, Malaysia, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic.
2016-06-22 2:11 am
2016-06-21 6:40 pm
The one I live in. Because it's where all my stuff is.
2016-06-21 4:22 pm
At the moment it's England. But I have to travel to many more countries to discover which one I truly like
2016-06-21 2:50 pm
Japan because of hello kitty .
And ofcourse philippines . I was born here
2016-06-21 1:42 pm
2016-06-21 12:17 pm
2016-06-27 4:43 am
2016-06-23 1:00 am
True Korea. We are among the few countries with a true democracy, we have a great leader, Kim-Jong-Un, who chose Korea (too bad the south is now occupied with American imperialist). It is a very awesome place. Just ask anyone who lives there
2016-06-22 9:48 pm
Peris for i fel tower.
2016-06-22 7:21 pm
Japan or Korea
2016-06-22 1:11 am
2016-06-22 12:27 am
2016-06-21 9:16 pm
Spain and cheap
2016-06-21 3:03 pm
I'm not a fan of country tbh. I suppose I just relate a little to Taylor Swift or something b.c it's not really different timed stuff such as Dolly Patryon.
2016-06-21 12:04 pm
I don't have one. Why? i don't know
2016-06-20 11:29 pm
Ibiza because it's lush there
2016-06-21 12:34 pm
UK best place in the world.
2016-06-22 6:46 am
2016-06-22 5:37 am
The People's Democratic Republic of East Germany.
2016-06-22 4:06 am
Iraq it's so peaceful
2016-06-21 9:32 pm
2016-06-21 9:00 pm
2016-06-21 6:52 am
my hometown
2016-06-22 12:22 pm
2016-06-21 7:28 am

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