How do you spend your favorite summer days?

2016-06-20 5:15 pm
With the longer hours and the sunnier evenings, the summer is a great time of the year to dedicate extra time to your favorite activities.

Whether it be playing frisbee with the family, taking a special long weekend to the beach, or meeting with neighbors for an evening barbecue, share how you spend the extra hours of daylight!

回答 (282)

2016-06-27 11:35 am
This might cause yinz to question my sanity, but I love being out in the yard on a beautiful summer day....mowing the lawn, tending to the garden, stuff like that.

Other than that? My sweetie and I live near a county park that has a walking/biking path that goes around a lake....we like to do both.

She also likes to get me on the golf course. This is the 10th summer we've been together, and we get on the links 7 or 8 times each year. The next time I beat her will be the first. She's got 2 sisters that also golf, and all 3 of them can kick my behind from here to Pebble Beach and back. But it's always a fun day, so it's all good.
2016-07-15 12:19 am
I live in Florida, I'm 55, reasonably healthy and I walk for exercise.

I have a couple of old National Geographic magazines from 1950-1951.
In each there are at least half-a-dozen ads to come to Sunny St. Petersburg! The sun is good for you! Especially if you're sick and old!

That's a damned lie.

The sun in St. Petersburg wants to kill you!
It will start by tearing your skin off. The first time you go to the beach.
In summer, you do your shopping and complete errands before 10 AM whenever possible. Until, say October.
I can handle desert heat and swampy humidity, it's summertime, normal but I wish I could go back to the land of the ice and snow!
It's the sun itself. If it's at your back when walking on the sidewalk, I swear you can feel it pushing you! And it's on you for 15 hours.

My favorite summer activity is reading. in a cool, dark, dry place.
2016-07-20 7:43 pm
Go outside and explore. Even if your don't have a car, summer is about enjoying the great weather that vacation has to offer. Get on your bike, go for a hike, read outside, and play pick-up sports with the other kids in the neighborhood. Being outside is often its own activity, as games of tag, capture the flag, or simply sitting and tanning are great ways to pass blissful, unencumbered hours of the day.
2016-07-17 1:44 am
Let's see. I like to sleep in until at least 10. Except on color guard practice days, those are early. I do a lot of guard camp during the summer. On non guard days i sleep in , and hang out with my BFF. I did do some traveling and camping but im about done with that for the rest of the summer.
2016-07-15 12:40 am
I'm a ladies man, 22 years old and I have a high paying job. I'm a very attractive man, I dress well, very tall, about 6'6" and I'm very outgoing. I drive a 2014 Ford Mustang GT and a 2015 Dodge Challenger Hellcat. I'm very fond of sports car and luxury cars.

Every summer I go to Vegas, casinos, clubs, and bars. I spend several times flirting and giving women a good laugh. I'm very fond of older women in their early 30's.
2016-07-26 11:13 am
I live by the seaside so I spend at least a couple of hours each day by the sea, swimming and suntanning or picking seafood off the rocks for some great rice and or pasta later on, same in the winter but maybe with not so much swimming or suntanning but I still manage to get into the water if the sun is out.
Then I cycle back and fro, there's also plenty of rivers and country lanes, it's a great place to be.
2016-07-22 6:34 pm
I'm a foodie. The road trip is heaven, because it's both food and seeing different cultures. Other than that activities that are hard to do during winter, like the trails I like to hike and roads I like to bike. Summer brings a frustration here at this location. Flying bugs. Lot's of them. That's why we're always happy to see dragonflies. A bonfire on the beach is always fun.
2016-07-22 3:17 pm
Just for me base on How I spent on my favorite days because I'm living in Tampa, Flordia. I can't stop ever manage base on that I wish I could go over my own favorite days. Heres that I would say:

I went to the Movies Theater and watch the movie call Secret Life of Pets. Somehow in Thursday, Anyhow that my parents loves to fishing at night and spend there untill 12:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M.
Somehow that I wish I could go to the Busch Gardens and get on the big RED roller coaster that go on the loop OR Disney World and get on space mountain but just for me, I never went everywhere but playing videogames all day. Otherward I can go to the beach and have some fun such as seeing dolphins for the first time or watching beauitful sunset OR going to a BEST restaurants that's never expensive like Red Lobster does.

This is how I spend my favorite days.
2016-12-20 5:15 pm
One of many world's most wonderful cities is St. Petersburg; discover it with hotelbye . St. Petersburg has all the elements for an memorable journey experience: high artwork, lavish structure, wild nightlife, an exceptional record and wealthy cultural traditions that have inspired and nurtured a few of the contemporary world's greatest literature, audio, and visible art. From the mysterious twilight of the White Nights to world-beating chrome and ballet productions on wonderful cold temperatures days, St. Petersburg charms and entices in every time therefore find this unique town because it will give you an remarkable vacation.
2016-07-19 9:45 pm
The last time I've had a real Summer Vacation was a two night stay in Charleston, South Carolina from June 21, 23, 2010. I love Charleston!

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