Does the fact that we promise forever in a world where even life is temporary bother anyone else?

2016-06-20 3:42 pm

回答 (6)

2016-06-20 3:43 pm
I guess not. Probably because I've never made any forever promises.
2016-06-20 4:17 pm
2016-06-20 3:46 pm
No but in a world where time is temporary it should not matter.
2016-06-20 3:46 pm
Life is forever, in both a seen and unseen world, and always on the mission of keeping the peace, and that's love, you know why, because good always wins! This doesn't bother me at all. I like it.
2016-06-20 3:44 pm
That's ancient superstition for ya.
2016-06-20 3:43 pm
yo mama

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