請大家幫我看看下面翻譯的英文對不對..謝謝。 https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160618062219AAf14PC?

2016-06-20 11:09 am


回答 (2)

2016-06-20 3:45 pm

1. 優惠券有效期由 2016年6月15日 至 2016年7月31日,只限堂食
1. The discount coupon’s valid date from 15th June, 2016 to 31st July, 2016, enjoy food at the cafeteria only.

2. 不適用於 2016年6月19日
2. The offer does not apply on 19th June,2016

3. 選擇 1 及 2 星期一至四 6pm 至 10:30pm 適用,公眾假期及其前夕除外
3. Option 1 and 2 Monday to Thursday 6pm to 10:30pm applicable,except public holidays and eve.

4. 選擇 3 及 4 星期五至日、公眾假期及其前夕 6pm 至 10:30pm 適用
4. Option 3 and 4 Friday to Sunday, public holidays and eve from 6pm to 10:30am applicable.

5. 必須收取服務費:星期一至四 成人每位 $49.8/小童每位 $28.8;星期五至日、公眾假期及其前夕 成人每位 $53.8/小童每位 $31.8;只接受現金 即場付款
5. Must charge a service fee: Monday to Thursday per adult $49.8 / per children $28.8; Monday to Sunday, public holidays and eve, per adult $53.8; per children $31.8m, accept cash payment only on the spot

6. 3 歲以下小童免費,必須於預約時表明有關人數;3 至 11 歲小童可使用小童優惠券,其他當成人計,必須使用成人優惠券
6. Under 3 years old’s children are free of charge. When you are purachase the discount coupon, Must let merchant know about the person; 3 to 11 years old’s children may use the discount coupon, other person will count as adult, must use the adult discount cupon.

7. 每次必須至少 2 位成人同行,使用 2 張成人優惠券,每次最少購買 2 張成人優惠券
7. Every time comes at least 2 adults along with the childrens,for use the adult discount coupon, each time minium purchase 2 adults discount coupon.

8. 同桌每人須各使用 1 張優惠券,否則須以正價即場付款購買
8. Every person must use one discount coupon at the same table, otherwise. Will charge the original price in the spot

9. 如需於指定日子、時段、或 8 人以上同時享受優惠,必須於購買前致電商戶查詢座位情況
9. For the specific date or time, 8 person enjoy the benefit at same time ,must before purchase inqurie the merchant whether the seat available for you.

10. 客戶必須至少於兌換優惠 1 日前於餐廳營業時間內 (星期一至日 9am 至 10:30pm) 致電 22xxxxxx 予商戶預約並提供優惠券編號;預約一經確認,不得取消或更改;座位有限,先訂先得,訂完即止
10. customers redeem the offer must at least one day before the restaurant business hours (Monday to Sunday 9am to 10:30pm) call at 22XXXXXX, to make an appointment need provide the offer coupon number to the merchant, when the reservation is confirmed,It can not be cancel and change. Seats are limit, first order first come, first served basis.

11. 兌換時必須出示有效之優惠券 A4 單面列印本,優惠券將於換領時收回
11. when you are redeem the offer, must show the A4 size’s copy of discount coupon on the validity, the discount coupon will be receive when you are redeem.

12. 用戶如於換領期間有任何問題,必須於換領期間聯絡雅虎香港客戶服務以提供協助,否則恕不受理
12. If the customers on the valid period have any problem, must on the redeem period contact HK yahoo customer service to provide help. Otherwise will not accepted.

13. 優惠券逾期作廢,不得兌換現金,不設退款及延期
13. The discount coupon expire to become invalid, cannot redeem for cash, non-refundable and extension.

14. 此優惠不能與其他優惠或折扣同時使用
14. This offer can not be combined with other promotion or discount use at same time.

15. 如有任何爭議,商戶將保留更改此優惠之權利而毋須另行通知
15. In case of any dispute, the merchant reserves the right to change this offer without prior notice

16. 餐牌內容或會因時令或食材供應而稍作調整,恕不另行通知,一切以店內餐牌為準
16. menu or food or ingredients due to seasonal supply and make some adjustments, without prior notice, all food according to the cafeteria’s menu




有什麼問題?快在這發問吧 !





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2016-06-20 11:27 am
all right

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