Seniors, Are Supermarkets encouraging laziness in meal preparation?

2016-06-20 9:28 am
I was was shopping in Asda, (owned by
Walmart USA) a few days ago, when I
spotted a pack of 2 Boiled Eggs for £1,
next to the salads, in my local UK branch.

I appreciate that some people like to save
time in preparing meals but surely it takes
so little time to boil and shell an egg, that
I fear that we are being encouraged to be

2 boiled eggs cost £1 yet you can buy 6
eggs for £1 30.

回答 (27)

2016-06-20 9:57 am
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Hi what a laugh. waitrose back in the early 197o's used to put cooking instructions on cabbage as sales dropped off. today and young people would rather take away and eat rubbish than use a cooker or boil an egg.
2016-06-20 11:22 am
Yes LOl for one thing buying those boiled eggs cost more too.
2016-06-20 11:42 am
Supermarkets are selling what people want even if it is ready boiled eggs :)

It's not about laziness, some people just don't like cooking and using supermarket ready meals is the next 'best' thing to employing servants.

Perhaps buying ready boiled eggs and some salad is a healthier option than a couple of sugar and fat laden snack bars or biscuits.

Don't forget to add the cost of fuel and other overheads to the eggs.
2016-11-03 9:54 pm
No they are answering a demand. Young women these days don't stop work and stay home with the kids. They don't have time to cook meals from scratch. They also haven't been taught my their mothers how to cook. I am grandma age and learned at my stay-at-home mother's knee.

I was horrified when a young woman picked up a pack of chicken breasts costing £6.50 when in the next cabinet there were whole chickens for £5.00. I had to say something. Fortunately, she was a sensible young woman and when I told her how she could cut off the two breasts from the whole chicken for a stir-fry and then pull the skin back and fix it with cocktail sticks, stuff it and...voila....two evening meals for less.

She wrote it all down...she'd just left work....7 months pregnant and was worried about how she and her husband would manage on just one salary...after that, she kept a notebook with her and every time she saw me, she would ask for some more tips. I was very pleased to be able to help her save money and also proud that I could!

2016-06-20 3:05 pm
At this rate youngsters will forget what cooking really is! I guess in future there will be no room called kitchen in houses ;))

Well, actually, in Home Economics we learnt that three things were important to manage affairs. Namely, time, money and energy. Those buying boiled eggs may have no time or energy but money. So good luck to them!
2016-06-22 11:42 am
When people are on the go (they don't go home because they have a medical appointment or something else to take care of), it's nice to have someone healthy instead of something with bread. I love the UK because they offer so many healthy options and you should appreciate it because many countries don't have them. I was at a UK airport awhile ago and bought hard-boiled eggs and a salad. I was a tourist with no kitchen availability just waiting for my flight. I'm gluten intolerant and most countries only have sandwiches, bread, bread, bread everywhere.
2016-06-25 2:51 am
I find that many dinners and prepared foods take so much less time. I don't like to do the dishes and take the time to cook when it is just for me. Basically I eat out. . .and leave the mess to them. That leaves me free for more entertaining endeavors. It's not that I am lazy...I just don't want to spend the time preparing and cleaning. I have better things to do.
2016-06-20 1:34 pm
if like me you're dependent on microwave and kettle for cooking, you have no way to boil an egg, especially hard boiled. i love them quartered on top of curries. however i believe the supermarkets do encourage laziness in providing such a wide range of ready meals even though processed food is supposed to be unhealthy.
2016-06-20 10:31 am
Some people suck at boiling eggs...they either come out too well done or under done. For some people buying pre-boiled eggs is the way to go.
2016-08-13 4:46 pm
I cook everything from scratch. It's something I love to do. I worry about people who only eat convenience foods. I cook for a variety of people. I love it.
2016-06-26 5:44 pm
Yes! Time to head to Walmart Deli!

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