I'm 14 years old...and I DONT have a phone?

2016-06-20 5:44 am
I still don't get why my mother raises me up like its her generation...I really want a phone...these days you literally find 8 year olds with phone...how can I convince my mom to buy me a phone??

回答 (8)

2016-06-20 6:44 am
YOU SAVE up YOUR pocket money & buy one ., DO chores .do WELL at school . EARN the PRIVILAGE of owning a phone , MOST kids THINK they should HAVE things GIVEN to them WITHOUT doing anything to EARN / DO CHORES for. them, you DON'T get ANYTHING in life for NOTHING . FACT .
2016-06-20 5:46 am
When you can pay for it, and the service, then you can expect it. Until then, you parent has the option of buying a phone for you or not. With your attitude, I'll bet it will be a long time before you get one.
2016-06-20 5:46 am
Phones will turn you into a walking zombie freak like the rest of them.
Your mom is doing you a favour.
Enjoy being part of the human race while you still can.
2016-06-20 5:52 am
you really don't need a phone. my phone just makes calls and texts, that's all i need it for. if i want to go online, i'll use a real computer. if you want one so badly, wait until you can get a job and pay for it yourself
2016-06-20 10:07 pm
look whatever device u typed this question, laptop, ipad or whatever, just use that i really dont get why ppl love their phone while theres a thing called an ipad and a tablet and a computer
2016-06-20 6:44 am
Live with it, hone. I lived without a phone for 15 years of my life, and it was very beneficial.
2016-06-20 5:49 am
Chores or Good Grades
2016-06-20 6:04 am
Say you need it for high school

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