Gardening ideas for renters?

2016-06-19 11:05 pm
Hi I am a renter that moves often. Does anyone have any ideas for a veggie/herb/fruit garden? Any structures that i can build? Thanks

回答 (9)

2016-06-19 11:28 pm
Yes, Square Foot Gardening is a good idea. It's not just an abstract concept, it's a series of books and a TV series by Mel Bartholomew. Both easily found on the web. However, due to your nomadic existence, you need to look into container gardening. Most fruit can be difficult in containers but not strawberries. I was a renter for years and grew peppers and tomatoes as well as many different herbs. Tomatoes need big containers (over 10 gallons) unless they are the "dwarf" determinate varieties. You should also know that they will last for years if you know how to overwinter them. They are actually perennials which are treated like annuals.

I found the key to success was to stay away from chemicals and use only organic fertilizers and soils. Miracle Gro killed many of my plants before I caught on. Their quality control is terrible.
2016-06-20 2:06 pm
The solution is to use containers, growbags or troughs. They are ideal for herbs and there are varieties of vegetables and fruit that are bred for container growing.
2016-06-20 5:02 am
If you move often then you want to use containers. Otherwise you have to leave your plants when you leave the house behind. You might want to look into grow bags. You can make them yourself easily enough.
2016-07-01 6:49 pm
Try mix plantings in medium/large planters:
1. Large terracota pot, or
2. Raised bed
But ensure you put some wheel caster underneath, so they are easy to move.

Such as dwarf fruit tree in the center (apple/cherry/apricot etc), and short herbs (basil, chives, organo, thyme etc) with veggies.
2016-06-25 3:33 am
there was a dealie at Tuesday morning that would slide under and move bigger pots. That would be good to have if you move. I don't think I would do gardening unless I was staying some place for awhile. Moving pots is heavy work.
2016-06-19 11:09 pm
Try square foot bgardening. Forget about fruit. Cheaper to buy fruit. Get farmers markets for life cal fruit
2016-07-04 3:23 am
If you are moving very often then I suggest that you might think of buying a caravan for the purposes of living and gardening.
2016-06-20 10:31 am
Take away everything when you vacate.
參考: own

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