People who say looks dont matter? So do u go for people u dont find physically attractive?

2016-06-19 9:46 pm

***For the record, I'm not some bitter "ugly" guy - fairly decent looking, as validated by multiple women... Just wanted to see what people's opinions are on this***


@ Waterdragon - No no, dont get me wrong, I am absolutely in agreement with you on that sentiment - they have to be attractive TO YOU, and YOU only, who cares what others think I am just baffled by people who think looks and/or sexual attraction doesnt matter at all... I DO disagree with that... At the end of the day, do u desire romantically or sexually someone who YOU - YOU only, remember this - think and/or feel is ugly and/or unappealing?


I wonder why it's all or nothing with these answers - let's assume that all these people have decent personalities at least, not terrible people, mean, bitter, superficial, angry, etc etc If two people u are interested in have similar personalities - good ones, both of them - and one is more attractive physically than the other, who are u going to pick?

回答 (5)

2016-06-20 12:17 am
People who say looks don't matter are telling a lie. They do matter to a certain extent.
2016-06-19 9:50 pm
You have it all wrong ------ you go up to someone you find interesting and because you find them interesting they are also attractive TO YOU ------ it does not matter how others see them ------- you are not with them because of their looks
2016-06-19 9:55 pm
Attraction is all about human sex pheromones. And this is (usually) the reason we get together with someone else and start dating.

Everyone has a different idea about who is attractive.
2016-06-19 9:54 pm
Looks are a bonus but personality lasts forever and looks dont
2016-06-19 10:23 pm
I go for personality. I don't want to be with someone who looks good and has a terrible personality. That wouldn't last too long. Looks are only skin deep.

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