Am i overthinking the whole thing?

2016-06-19 7:38 pm
My bf of almost 2 years is out of town for a work thing, for 40 days. I know he's VERY busy. He krpt in touvh initially for brief periods bug for the last 3 days he comes online briefly but doesn't text me. He knew i was going through some crisis as well but didnt bither checking up on me. I feel bad. But am i overanalysing this? I dont want to text first because i initiated the last time as well. What do i do.

回答 (2)

2016-06-19 7:55 pm
So he's busy, yet manages to get online briefly--and does not contact you online or by text even though when he left you were in a crisis?

That says all I need to know about your priority in his life.

When he returns, you need a serious talk about whether this relationship can possibly survive. I suspect it can't unless you're willing to be unimportant most of the time.
2016-06-19 7:39 pm
no just text him he could just forget to text you due to being busy

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