When do boobs stop growing?

2016-06-19 7:35 pm
I'm 17 and I have small boobs. It's embarrassing but idk my bra size, it's a B or C cup probably. Can they grow bigger? Are there any ways that I could make them grow without doing a surgery?

回答 (2)

2016-06-19 7:38 pm
C's are not small. B's might be smaller, but not it isn't like you have no breast. Go get fitted for a bra! Wearing a proper fitting bra is important regardless of the size of your breasts. At 17 years old, unless you gain weight, the chances of them growing are low.

And please, surgey is ridiculous. You can't ever achieve a natural look with surgery.
2016-08-04 1:24 pm
The only way is to get pregnant or gain weight.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:12:48
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