I always get nauseous after eating junk. WHy?

2016-06-19 10:50 am
Whenever I eat junk foods I get nauseous and feel as if I'm about to vomit.

For example. Yesterday I went to eat at McDonalds and after I finished my Big Mac and fries I started feeling nauseous.

This never happened before, just the last couple of months. I also never eat in McDonalds. Just occasionally but I do eat chips and popcorns and such and I get nauseous after eating them.

Can anybody tell me why ?

I also get nauseous after eating deep fried food

回答 (5)

2016-06-19 10:55 am
It's your body's way of saying, "don't eat this." And in extreme cases your body will purge it (throw up).

It could be a chemical but it is also likely just a lot of fat that your body is rejecting. For example, olive oil isn't per say junk food, but drink a cup of it and you will most likely throw up.

Again, fried food...fatty.
2016-06-19 10:52 am
possibly a particular preservative or other additive

it would be easy to say because its rubbish food but that isnt enough of itself

like you I rarely eat maccas but when I do eat it I dont feel ill .. though their breakfast food does seem to hasten my toilet visits

2016-06-19 5:34 pm
It is your body telling you it can no longer handle the garbage. You may have an intolerance to some of the additives in the food that is finally starting to bother you when you eat it.
2016-06-19 4:03 pm
It could be a preservative in the food.
However, since it seems to be related to greasy food, it could also be related to your gall bladder (which releases the bile to help you digest fatty foods).
If you're concerned, you should speak to your doctor.
2016-06-19 12:14 pm
Walker thus allergy

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