So artists draw art only for the sake of beauty? Pls help me I have to submit a project tomorrow.So please answer?

2016-06-19 6:25 am

回答 (5)

2016-06-19 7:34 am
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there are several reasons ancient man painted what he saw on the cave walls they made effigies to represent things not necessarily in the way they were perceived or looked I suppose that is art and the art is for us mortals to understand it many of us don't and it becomes like the kings new clothes Van Gogh was not understood in his time no one wanted his work there were fantastic artists around that ignored him there were fantastic experts around that ignored him today he is world famous I ask you why ? is it art or us and how we see it if so why can only a few appreciate it doesn't it represent all humans the statue of David every person in the world can look and understand it and admire the skill and as you say beauty but an unmade bed was exhibited as art it has the kings new clothes about it to most people
2016-06-19 12:49 pm
thanks guys
2016-06-19 9:46 pm
I know this was already answered so I will keep it short. The main reason why I draw is because it's fun. I really REALLY enjoy it. It's also a major stress reliever too. Nothing quite like sitting down and drawing. It brings me to another world where I can relax. It's entertaining and also it's a great short term drawing a picture and finishing it, and liking it and other people liking it. It's gratifying. :)
2016-06-19 7:27 am
Drawing is only one part of creating art, but let's imagine you mean create works for the sake of beauty.

But it is not universally true, artists create works of art to represent the human condition, from Breughel to Hogarth and beyond is one strand of examples, but by no means the only one. Or they work to take their viewer beyond any obvious representative art.

There are and have been artists who represent beauty but that is not the generic attitude of an artist any more than you could generalise about any recording activity, like writing.
2016-06-19 6:29 am
Some would say that art is limited to works that convey a message, not just things that look pretty. Sometimes I sketch or write to share a message, sometimes I just have a neat idea in my head that I want to put to paper. As far as a reason for sketching, both are legitimate. Not sure if that helps, but gl.

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