The dudes that followed Jim Jones did so for the sex, and they got plenty. When the crap was up and no more sex they took the Kool-Aid?

2016-06-19 4:35 am

回答 (2)

2016-06-19 4:35 am
The dudes that followed Jim Jones did so for the sex, and they got plenty. When the crap was up and no more sex would be forthcoming they took the grape Kool-Aid.

But what is your thing? You are a virgin. Why haven't you had the courage to do suicide... whoops, I forgot, that you are a career Yahoo Answers loser just like me. Sorry.
2016-06-19 6:45 pm
"Dudes?" This may be the limits of what Jeff Spicoli could understand, but I hope you could do better. Jone ran a cult, these people let themselves be controlled and brainwashed by radical religious belief, of which sex may have been part, especially for Jones. When these "Utopias" start coming close to an end and the real world starts being inevitable, they often are open to taking their own lives rather than dealing with those realities.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:03:10
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