How do I know if im depressed?

2016-06-19 2:11 am
How do I know if I actually have depression or if I'm just mistaking something for depression? I have a lot of family problems and lately it's been getting worse.
I've been having a loss in appetite. I find it hard to fall asleep and when I finally do, I either get too much sleep or not enough. I've had less energy. I'll tear up randomly and sometimes start balling my eyes out. I have less interest in talking to people and getting involved in activities that I usually like to do. I have been getting agitated very fast with people. I keep getting this horrible sinking feeling in my stomach and I just feel completely alone. I've been getting horrible headaches almost everyday. I've also been having problems concentrating and remembering certain things.
All of these things are symptoms of depression. But I don't feel like this all day everyday, it comes on and off. Some days I'm really happy and I have a good day but it seems like I have more bad days now than good days. But would I even have to ask myself if I have depression if I actually had it? I guess I just really don't know what's going on with me and I don't want to talk to my parents about it because they'll probably just say I'm exaggerating.

回答 (5)

2016-06-19 3:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are not exaggerating and your feelings are real. First it is important to not disregard what you are feeling and your experiencing, because that helps you to know something is not going ok, and that something needs to change. Also, if you stay in touch with your feelings that is how you get to know yourself and to get emotional strength. By not taking your feelings serious you will only question yourself create self doubt.

If you are having a lot of family issues and don't feel you are getting a lot of support, that would certainly make anyone feel depressed. Try to get out your feelings to someone like a counselor, relative, nice teacher, minister or anyone you know will listen. You are not alone. We all go through tough times and we all need to express those feelings. It will help you to feel better. Make sure to put things in your day that give you pleasure like music, exercise, hobbies, friends etc.. That helps do alleviate depression.

Depression is something to take serious and does stick around for a long period of time. Say to your parents things like, "I feel really sad sometimes and not sure how to feel better." Or, "I feel really down when you argue and afraid of what will happen." Write out your feelings is also helpful so you can learn and review your feelings.

Your feelings are important and is important you believe in yourself,

2016-06-19 3:35 am
Probably symptoms of depression. Depression is common but easy to treat. Depression means your brain is not producing sufficient serotonin.

Tell a dr. how you feel and ask for Zoloft, an excellent antidepressant.-----------It take 2-3 wks for your body to adjust, during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But after that, you will be a whole new, happy, healthy person.
2016-06-19 2:50 am
Felling sad don't fell like doing anything
2016-06-19 2:21 am
Everything you listed are symptoms of depression. The question is if the symptoms are affecting your life in a negative way. Is it affection your grades, relationships, family, friends? Are you less motivated? If so then yeah, you should get help. Therapy might help and it might not, but it's something you should try.
2016-06-19 2:14 am
sounds like your depressed

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