咁多位師兄師姐,我呢就想係9月頭或月中去韓國首爾,一個人自由行5日 飛機就大韓or國泰,味知價錢,酒店方面太概4星度,最好有早餐,5知大家有咩推介,另外我預4至5千食+買(例如波鞋,零食,韓星嘅CD)5知夠5夠呢?其實我好5好預多1-2千會鬆動d,咁其實我成個trip太概要幾多錢?

2016-06-18 10:13 pm

回答 (1)

2016-06-19 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your entire trip can cost as much as HKD$10,000-15,000.

Your biggest cost is the lodging (hotel).

Most Korean food does not cost much. The bad news is shopping cost is difficult to estimate.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 19:20:19
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